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I think sometimes people are afraid of acting stupid while drunk when sober folks are around. And there’s definitely a notion that you can’t be or have fun if you aren’t drinking, which is just sad on all counts.
SassySpiceSexy · 26-30, F
@MirroroftheMoon Yep. There's nothing wromg with drinking once in a while. I told her she's boring.
@MirroroftheMoon I can understand that, but I'm not the type of non-drinker that would sit in disgust, watching everyone else make a fool of themselves. I will have just as much fun as the people drinking.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@MirroroftheMoon Right, a lady at work talked about her daughter turning 21 and not wanting to drink. She called her boring and lame. Whey, for not wanting to act stupid and lose control of herself? What's 'fun' about that.?

I've been sober for 12 years. I don't partake in alcohol. I tend to stay away from get togethers that have alcohol. I have also lost friends or distanced myself. I didn't want to feel the pressure. Just hang in there. ☺
xixgun · M
I don't drink, do drugs, like sports, or screw around on my wife. TALK to me about people losing interest in my friendship.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
I've been sober since May 27th, 2001. I don't drink either. I make an excellent designated driver.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Perhaps because they don't know how to have fun unless they are drunk.
Thespis · M
Not sure it's even worth figuring out. They're not people worth the time. Anyone who can't be friends without it, shouldn't be friends. You're wonderful the way you are, and if you don't want to drink don't it's your life your choices!
ASouthernGentleman · 31-35, M
Unfortunately, they view it as something you don’t have in common so you are not one of “them”. It sad and I feel for you. People that shallow are not worth your time. There are better people out there.
Because they’re trying to conform you to their way of thinking/living

Walking your own path always leads to like minded people like yourself. Maybe join a health club ?

Plushisushi3 · 26-30, F
Everytime I tell my friends that I dont drink and that i have no interest in drinking, they always talk about how they Have to take me out to drink, cause i'll love it. It's a little irritating.
So you spend a small fortune getting absolutely rat-arsed, get a blinding headache and wake up days later with alcohol induced amnesia - yeah Great fun !! 😂
Dusty101 · F
Because they think you'll be judging them.. Which you're clearly not.. But that's what they do!
Im the only person in my circle of friends that doesn't drink and they're okay with it. Lols
Brianthesnail · 56-60, M
Not me
I'd be so happy to have a friend who would always drive 😜
@Brianthesnail See! There are perks! You are always guaranteed to be home safe! :D
Batman · 41-45, M
You are from Ireland though right?
@Batman Yes.
Batman · 41-45, M
Then the reading I have been doing is all wrong. 😂@lauriethecolourful
@Batman Hahaha. Yeah, we aren't all drunk leprechauns. :D
Faintking · 41-45, M
I encounter this often. It’s weird since I was a drinker for many years lol
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Faintking · 41-45, M
Being crazy doesn’t need alcohol to have fun lol and I’m plenty crazy @hahaheheuhhaha
They must be very shallow-minded people !
Mirage · F
Humans are fickle as feck.
Thicket82 · 36-40, M
Well be my friend, I dont mind🤗😆
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SassySpiceSexy · 26-30, F
Because you're boring! Girl you gotta live.
@SassySpiceSexy I'm a lot of things, but boring isn't one of them.
Something tells me it had nothing to do with that
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP But there's no other reason. I'm very self critical, so I would have picked up on something. :D
@lauriethecolourful I've been teatotalling for 20 years and it didn't change my social life
Lilnonames · F
I dont drink either and dont go to bars
@Lilnonames I would go to a bar, to hang out with people,( if I was invited) but I would drink water. :)
Lilnonames · F
@lauriethecolourful i dont like seeing a bunch of drunks.and then hitting on u is worse.just ruins your day telling a drunk to go away but hes to drunk to understand

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