Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs cuckoo for Cocoa Puff
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Many years ago, we spent a week with a family in Paris. They had young children, and so of course they had children's cereal.
They had a chocolate cereal that tasted better to me than many American chocolate bars do. It was incredible in milk.
I had it every morning!
When we got back home, I tried cocoa puffs, and I threw them away. (And I NEVER throw away food.)
They were awful in comparison.
They had a chocolate cereal that tasted better to me than many American chocolate bars do. It was incredible in milk.
I had it every morning!
When we got back home, I tried cocoa puffs, and I threw them away. (And I NEVER throw away food.)
They were awful in comparison.