swimmergirl · 22-25, F
You can never how to many bikinis. Like any other clothes, mood, location and event decides what is the style of the day. :)
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turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@swimmergirl how do you classify wearing a thong suit verses a full cover suit?
swimmergirl · 22-25, F
@turbineman40 I don't understand what you mean
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@swimmergirl How do you like wearing a thong swimsuit with both of your cheeks exposed versus a full cover of your cheeks in a large panties type of swimsuit?
Ingwe · F
we need photos
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
Awesome selection to choose from, now we just need the beaches to open
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Would like to see pictures
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
Wow I dont own a costume havnt for many years now if I cant swim nude I dont .

Any favorites
April · F
@SW-User I love most of them, can’t say I have a favorite!
Rambler · 61-69, M
Great hobby!
romell · 51-55, M
JP1119 · 36-40, M
Let's see some!