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My Castle TV show fantasy 3

My Castle TV show fantasy involves Stana Katic's character Kate Beckett, anyway Victoria Gates has lesbian feelings for Kate Beckett, one day while Kate Beckett was attending a meeting in Victoria Gates' office, Victoria Gates says to Kate Beckett "Kate there's something that I've been meaning to tell you" Kate says to Victoria "Victoria what is it that you've been meaning to tell me"? Victoria says to Kate "Kate, I find you sexually attractive" Kate says to Victoria "Victoria I didn't know that you found me sexually attractive" Victoria asks Kate "Does it bother you that I find you sexually attractive"? Kate says to Victoria "Victoria, it doesn't bother me that you find me sexually attractive". Victoria says to Kate "That's a huge relief", Kate says to Victoria "Victoria I'm flattered that you find me sexually attractive" In Victoria Gate's office Victoria asks Kate "Kate do you want to see a magic trick"? Kate says to Victoria "Victoria I'd love to see a magic trick" Victoria looks directly at Kate's belt buckle then magically undoes Kate's belt, next Victoria looks directly at Kate's pants button then magically undoes Kate's pants button Victoria looks directly at Kate's zipper then magically unzips Kate's pants, Kate's belt and pants fall to the floor, exposing Kate's black cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties, Kate says to Victoria "Wow I'm impressed that you can undress me just by looking at my wardrobe, Victoria asks Kate "Do you want me to continue to undress you"? Kate responds to Victoria's question "Yes Victoria, I want you to continue to undress me" Victoria looks directly at Kate's blouse then magically unbuttons Kate's blouse, Kate says to Victoria "You can magically undress me anytime that you want". The next day in Victoria Gate's office Victoria looks directly at Kate's belt buckle then magically undoes Kate's belt, next Victoria looks directly at Kate's pants button then magically undoes Kate's pants button Victoria looks directly at Kate's zipper then magically unzips Kate's pants, Kate's belt and pants fall to the floor exposing Kate's black cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties, Victoria looks directly at Kate's blouse then magically unbuttons Kate's blouse After Victoria undresses Kate Victoria says to Kate "That's much better, Kate I think that you look better with your blouse unbuttoned and your pants and belt down at your ankles", Kate asks Victoria "You think so"? Victoria says to Kate "Yes I think so, Kate you look hot in your black cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties" Kate says to Victoria "Thank you for the compliment" Victoria asks Kate "Kate do you want to see a magic trick"? Kate says to Victoria "Victoria I'd love to see a magic trick" Victoria looks directly at her belt buckle then magically undoes her belt, next Victoria looks directly at her pants button then magically undoes her pants button Victoria looks directly at her zipper then magically unzips her pants, Victoria's belt and pants fall to the floor exposing Victoria's grey cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties, Victoria looks directly at her blouse then magically unbuttons her blouse, Kate says to Victoria "Victoria I see that we both like wearing the cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties, Victoria you look hot in your grey cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties", Victoria says to Kate "Thank you for the compliment" then Kate and Victoria threw their arms around each other and make out passionately in Victoria Gates's office. Victoria Gates and Kate Beckett continue to make out passionately in Victoria Gates's office with their blouses unbuttoned and their pants and belts at their ankles exposing Victoria's grey cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties and Kate's black cotton Victoria's Secret thong panties, Victoria Gates and Kate Beckett stopped making out passionately in Victoria Gates's office Victoria said to Kate "We should buy vibrating thong panties for each other then we can crank up the vibrating thong panties to the maximum level that way our crotches will be soaking wet from our vibrating thong panties being set on the maximum level all day", Kate says to Victoria "Victoria that's a damn good idea".
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What happens next?
SWfan · 41-45, M
@tornado58 I'm not sure.

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