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Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Talk to her. Have a conversation about what's bothering her. Then analyse that and make decisions accordingly if required
Anush · 46-50, F
@Beatbox34 thanks

One of my kids rebelled against us from age 17-20. It was an ordeal
booboo · M
i was lucky raising my two daughters and one son.. they had an aunt that made terrible choices and so she was our "life lessons" example we could point to and say "this is what happens when you make bad choices"... it's always best to put it right back on them.. I told them countless times "i don't care what choices you make, it won't affect my life, but it sure will affect yours"... They're very successful adults now...
nedkelly · 61-69, M
New account - do you really have children?

ie - her parents - no parents ever uses this term
Anush · 46-50, F
Sorry for misunderstood..we have 3 daughters..eldest is the teenager
Tonydang · M
That’s a really tough one just keep an eye on who she is mixing with
Anush · 46-50, F
@Tonydang s..sure
Tonydang · M
Speaking from experience my daughter started that behaviour when she was 16 and later found out she was experimenting with drugs mixing with the wrong crowd @Anush
It's kind of natural
you're getting older and she is finding herself
the phase will pass
sjc696969 · 36-40, F
Talk to her - ask her what can be done to fix the situation
Anush · 46-50, F
@sjc696969 ok thanks
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
Yeah there comes a time when parents just aren't cool anymore in the eyes of a child. Show her "Harry Enfield. Kevin". on YouTube. . Show her how she acts. It may embarrass her out of it. Lol.
Anush · 46-50, F
@Thingschange4444 thanks for ur advice..
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Turn off her phone and change the wifi password
Anush · 46-50, F
@MarineBob she doesn't have own phone..she uses my phone only..
Nature3 · 56-60, M
Welcome to teenagedom
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
kick her out

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