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Maha123k · 31-35, F
Same here .. let's adopt together ???

AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F Best Comment
Sounds great.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@AnonymousJSS best answer
Why not. I’m sure there’s an unending number of kids needing a real mom. And having had kids, grandkids, great grandkids around for 50+ years, you’re missing a huge amount of love and family without kids running up and digging that you are theirs. Even married with or without children it is still a even greater benefit to everyone to have another sibling.
I was once told by an 89 yr old friend the answer to staying young is to always hang with young people. He was only 94 when he died
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@Suggestmeone he lived a good life
Why wait till 35? I'll marry you right now.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@SW-User you are EP Allie's husband. I'm not a mistress
exchrist · 31-35
Its a fine idea plenty of orphans prolly better than having a kid
Popobandar1993 · 26-30, M
Adopt a husband 😍
Where exactly does one go to adopt a husband? Is it one of those adopt-by-the-hour things?
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@froggtongue adopt a child
@sugarpie So adopt the husband and they throw in a child for free? Sounds like a good deal. Do they have the same for a wife? I'd like to rent a family so I can test out if I really want one or not.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@froggtongue my ghad
On the serious side, why haven't you been married yet?
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@froggtongue because no one proposed?
@sugarpie That's really all? Hm. It might due to say that upfront upon meeting a new potential mate so as there is no wasted time as to the end goal of dating — if you haven't been doing that already.
@sugarpie but getting back to the original statement about adopting, as @exchrist is saying, it helps so much to adopt. It helps to ease the stresses on foster organizations and the whole system that takes care of these kids. It helps the kid too. But on the other side, it takes a bit from you. Adoption kids tend to have more issues manifest because of the situations that ended up putting the kid in such an agency. So take care in choosing which kid you get. And despite even choosing the best option, be prepared for having a rough time of it. That aside, if you can do it, I think it really helps over all.
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
I think its an amazing idea!
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Yes yes yes

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