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GreenEyedFox03 · 31-35, F
Compassion should never be something that is gender specific. Every person is different and has the ability to be as compassionate as they choose. The fact that you think men being more compassionate then women is an issue says more about you then it does the world.
So what does it say about me?
Edit: Are you implying that I'm sexist?
GreenEyedFox03 · 31-35, F
Well I don't know you.. but based on this post it says that you have a pre-determined idea of how you think men and women "should" be. Which doesn't make you wrong, I just think it is naive to try to put any person into a box and assume that they are any specific way simply based on their gender.

Spitbak · 56-60, M Best Comment
😟You must be watching that Trump rally!!!
Really? I thought the word compassion was becoming obsolete. Seen in no gender.
@Heathcliff: ...erm heathcliff I...I don't believe in marriage either...
@TheWhiteRabbit: Kiss

[image deleted]
OK. I see no issue in that. Empathy. sympathy and compassion should not be consider feminine traits, They are not. They are human traits!!! Problen is, for so long he was denied, in his raising by parents, to LEARN those traits, as they were considered feminine. S maybe society is changing, for the better, and boys(especially) and girls are finally being taught NOT to bottle up their emotions and feelings, but to express them. And maybe the men that this upbringing produces, are more balanced, more loving and CARING and understanding than a lot of women. A forced repression of feelings and emotions, beginning at around age 2 is wrong. But psychiatrists make ten of billions of dollars a year because he was brought up that way.
You put a lot of thought into that answer
Is that something new?
Sadie14 · F
Nothing wrong with that.
Footballstar · 26-30, M
A better place maybe? People's actions, feelings, etc, have no relation to their gender so its no surprise men are just as compassionate as women
Since when is compassion a trait of a particular gender ????????????
Year 1
Gauntlets28 · 26-30, M
Nothing wrong with that. Women never held a copyright on compassion after all.
Spitbak · 56-60, M
"Thank you sir!!!"
Spitbak · 56-60, M

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