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kyky16 · 22-25, F
yes because a this one girl called me a n-word lover, I fought her in the middle of the street, It ended with her laying on the street with a broken nose and black eyes.
@kyky16 woot.... I was called a wa wa lover.... hehehe

tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Quite a few,one example is when I was 14 at school and a 17 year old guy asked if I was pregnant as well because I was wearing short shorts with bare feet.We got into it in the gym behind the seats during a basketball game,with his and my friends watching us,and I got him in a figure 4 leg lock around his neck until he passed out,when he came round I got my legs around him from behind in a scissors and crossed my ankles,he could not breathe,and just before he passed out again I squeezed harder,breaking 2 ribs on both sides,there was 4 loud cracks as the bones broke,and he again passed out.I kept on the squeeze another half minute,he was deeply unconscious then,needing urgent medical attention.
Another time at work when a guy tried to upskirt me I clawed his face so badly with my long fingernails that blood was running down his face,he has 8 permanent vivid scars now from his hairline to his jawline.
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Bar fight, a friend was in a mosh pit and got ganged up on. My roommate at the time and myself tried to break it up and all three of us ended up in a brawl
My best fight was my first fight. Which I lost. I didn’t realize what it meant (in 6th grade) when I guy played hockey.

He was my bully. I finally stood up for myself. Barely made a mark on him and he picked me off the ground. We had a good talk about him being a bully. Then we lied to the nuns about what happened.

Most of the bar stuff is just puffed chests and posturing. Your adrenaline runs hot but taking a swing is high risk. You risk getting tossed from your favorite bar or worse. People just kind of bump and shove until the bouncers kick out who they like the least.
@SW-User Let's change those opponents into people? You might be there bump?
Yes. I was a freshman in high school...This Indian girl was talking smack to me. I told her to “say what you want but you better not put your hands on me”. She laid the first lick, and I blacked her eye. My dad always said, if someone starts a fight, You fight back. He was proud of me that day...even tho we both were suspended. Furthermore I was a hero to my classmates. They all said I won... I was going to lay her out but the gym teacher broke it up. Dang it! The black girls egged her on... or she’d never done it. I think she quickly regretted it! Am I proud of it? No. Would I do it again!? I’d like to think not. But maybe. 🙄
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I got beaten up a few times as a kid. When I was older, I only had to fight back once and it stopped.
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Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
@greenmountaingal I'm in the UK btw lol sorry.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Thingschange4444 Too bad. Take care, hope you can avoid future fights.

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