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Tatsumi · 31-35, M
A 25 year old male? Yes. A 25 year old female? Not really.

If you want to know the socially acceptable age range, for males it's half your age plus 7. For a 25 year old, that would be 19.5. 20 is just within the socially acceptable age range.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Fernie The question would be, "Is it normal." It's not very normal for women to date below their own age. They tend to choose older men. Whereas, men don't typically care much, though prefer younger.

And 20 and 25 are not almost the same age. Maybe from an older point of view, but there is tons of brain development in this period. The second biggest change after puberty. 20 is virtually a teenager, still.

And anyway, that rule is only for what society generally sees at acceptable and won't freak out.
Fernie · F
@Tatsumi since you are in your early really have no clue what is a "normal" dating age. The difference between most 20 and 25 year olds is insignificant
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Fernie I'm 27. That's mid-to-late 20s. Definitely not early. It's also irrational to equate age with knowledge, since they are mutually exclusive. One gains more experience as they age [which can be worthless, depending on the experiences], but not necessarily knowledge or correct knowledge.

And, it's not really debatable whether or not there is a difference between 20 and 25. Frontal lobe development increases a lot in that span, and maxes out 25-27.

And, again, I didn't even state my opinion. Simply what the general rule is for social acceptance and "normality".
i can't think of anything more normal.
cocoaxo · 26-30, F
Yeah of course it's normal lol
My mom date a guy who is like 10 years older than me and that's not normal 😐
Infoman · 36-40, M
I don't think it is either normal or abnormal. It is simply what it is. If it works for both of them, then it's fine.
Is it normal for a 50 year old to have sex with a 16 year old? No. But people do it anyway.
megrose · 56-60, F
That's not a bad age difference and they are both of age
Effloresce · 26-30, F
Yeah. My friend is 20 and her bf is 28 lol
Robbie2u · 61-69, M
That's barely even a gap! Of course it's normal
Fernie · F
?? you're practically the same age
Paschar · 70-79, M
Only five years apart , Yes
When I was 18 I dated a 25 year old.
Heared · 31-35, M
Yes. At 20 I dated a 29 year old, and eventually married him. That's not such a gap.

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