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Silverhair71 · 51-55, M
since I been on this earth since 1971, Racism hasn't stopped and you can even see it now, it hides it's self in groups like trump supports. I hope Racism and Discrimination will end in your life time on this earth. God Bless you

Willa · F
I don't think it will ever stop 😔 Best we can do is surround us with loving people and pray for those affected by it as well as standing up for them if possible.
marciamom · F
Racism is growing out of fashion in the western world but it is only one of many "isms" that is part of human nature that makes one elevate himself at the expense of others. So, even if we totally eradicate racism, there will be some other forms of baseless hate that causes people to pre-judge others. Mind you, I am all for well-placed hate. If someone did you wrong, you can hate them. It would probably be healthier to forgive them and move on but at least it makes some sense. But people have baseless hate that is generally rooted in insecurity and jealousy.
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Carissimi · F
No, because it’s been part of human history since humans came into existence.
Pizzanow · 22-25, F
@Bigbass77 i racism is basically dead it's the mainstream media that keeps talkin about it to help liberal Democrats keep winning elections that's what it's all about it has nothing to do with black or white or purple ask to do is controlling people to get them to do what you want
Probably not in our lifetime.
I have a hard time believing it even exists.
It makes no sense.
I guess there are just a lot of scared people in the world.
I can't think of any other reason for racism and discrimination, but fear.
So sad. 😔
mayguy · 46-50, M
Kiara, so much has changed in America since you posted this over 2 years ago. When you have time, do publish a new post with your new thoughts on this critical topic. :)
Bartleby · 51-55, M
Sadly not in my lifetime, but I hope many years down the road it will be fade away.

But it likely will take a long time. Even the progress of the last half century has been uneven.
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Theyitis · 36-40, M
Not completely, as there’s the potential for it in all of us; however, I think it’s reasonable to hope for a vast improvement over our current situation.
Ingwe · F
I think everybody does ...hate racism/discrimination

but think about this

even in our own family situations we can't get along
Racisim should not be tolerated but it still is a rampant problem however
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scorpiolovedeep · 46-50, M
Never !!

Those bad blooded people continue to live , unfortunately …

Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
Maybe we can change one person at a time through education.
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nuddie · 61-69, M
I don’t think it will but I wish it would
Pretzel · 61-69, M
not until we are all one color
GabbySA8 · 18-21, F
Doesnt feel like it
Waterfall52 · 46-50, M
It will stop
So, we just give up?
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Sam17 · 16-17, M
I doubt it
MartaSpain · 36-40, F
I hope it does.
PikachuTrainer · 26-30, M
No, Racism will always be a thing, it doesn't matter where someone might be from or the colour of their skin, Racism exists in all Races. Discrimination is very much the same, people will discriminate against each other based on anything, whether it be what town you grew up in, the colour of hair, skin or eyes, right down to political opinions or whether you are religious or not or whether you believe in the right religion or right version of that religion.

None of it will go away, it always exist to plague humanity.
TexChik · F
There's always and asshole somewhere waiting to act that way...but for the most part I don't see people openly treating others in a discriminating manner.
no.. it won't. you have to look deep into what it really is.. it's not about race.. it's never been about race. it's about tribalism and how human beings naturally align with *like* and are suspicious or hostile towards *difference* it manifests itself in a hundred different ways in the world. race is just one of those ways. ultimately individuals can evolve past their darker instinctive natures.. but to expect everyone to be on the same page from day one and throughout their whole lives is a pipe dream.
lovebcups · 61-69, M
when i am pushed or told not to be with people i get really pissed off , I will be with whoever i want , No one can tell me not to be friends with some one i want to .
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then we will know peace. - Jimmie Hendrix
Racism is the worst thing
Pizzanow · 22-25, F
@SW-User agree but people using racism is just as bad
Sure @Pizzanow
I have no doubt about it@Pizzanow
LyricalOne · F
Nope. Been around since the beginning of time.
texasdaddydom · 51-55, M
afraid to even say this but scientifically speaking because people are going to take it the wrong way and react from the gut. but there are valid theories about our brains being wired by evolution to be racist (l/r people who look different met with suspicion or threatened off meant fewer chances of the disease spreading for instance) so the impulse live in most of us. it has been tested and even the most progressive people show bias unintentionally. but we can make sure laws are set up for equality and attempt through effort and honest reflection keep ourselves in check as a society... if race, not such a polarising subject and can be discussed openly instead of being either ignored ot used to divide we would all be much better off...
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I wish, but probably not.
I really hope so
lasergraph · 70-79, M
Humans tend to collectively seek those who closely resemble us. Discrimination is rampant but not exclusively racial. It also follows social economic lines, some handicaps, religions, and political affiliation. It is divisive.
xixgun · M
No. Human beings little to no excuse to hate one another. They will grasp on to the most obvious differences first and then move on to more subtle elements. Race, gender, weight, height, glasses, where you live, how you speak, sexual orientation, are you "too nice".

All of these elements and more are used as justification for a range of actions from simple dislike to physically attacking or worse. But in reality, humans need no excuses, attacking each other is about the only thing we're really good at as a species.

And as long as there are more than 2 people on the planet, such behavior will continue.
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Unfortunately I don’t think it will whilst individually people can try to recognise their prejudices and try to address them a good example is I think Liam Neeson or another celebrity Actor, realised they felt prejudice about a certain aspect, owned up to it and apologised for having had that prejudice which is the positive way to deal. Hopefully more people would be like that and teach their children to not discriminate or recognise if they feel it and apologise for it or something then try to change their feelings to be more positive towards others
TexChik · F
Not as long as democrats think
They can make political hay out of Being racist and blaming conservatives for it .
MinMan80 · 41-45, M
It comes from both sides of it plus when ever it seems to die down the media blows it up again
Dshhh · M
not in our lifetimes. but is HAS gotten better.
and the recent flare up is a good sign, if we can keep cool
HifromJim · M
Unfortunately there will always be those that will find a difference to exploit.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
no,somebody will always be discriminated against,
Hotelroom38 · 51-55, M
unfortunatley no in my life time... but still live in hope
sadly no
or at least not while there's human life on this mortal coil
insextra · F
No . People will always be stupid 😏
@insextra 👍️ perfect no filter reply <3
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If anything it's getting worse with the camp of non-racists and racists becoming polarised. Seriously. I expect some people to call for slavery again any day now. While others are complaining that there aren't enough dark-coloured muppets in the Dark Crystal or something.
canadarm · M
I would say these days it’s going back the wrong way, after decades of progress it is slipping at an alarming rate.
Mainly due to the rise of Alt-Right media and heavy-right leaning world leaders.
PikachuTrainer · 26-30, M
@canadarm just going to point out that were discrimination is concerned, it is mostly on the left wing than the right, the EU Referendum here in the UK is an example of this.
OlderDude · 61-69, M
I would hope so, but we seem to still be controlled by that fear of others displacing our own traditions and values.
I too wish we could have the courage to honour others and our differences, and know that the world is big enough for us all
It's sad and shameful

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