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Molemane · 36-40, F
@SW-User You have given Hitler the time of day? Conducted your own research? So have I! See this is exactly why I came to this forum. To find people who understand grey matter. People who can balance thoughts and feelings. People who prefer to use their own brain, gut and intuition. I am glad I found you on day 1 😊
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@Molemane Yes, I have! I have done much research on Hitler. I read many books on "revisionist" history regarding WW2 and Nazi Germany and also watched "the greatest story never told" and realized that much of what we have been taught about that period was a lie, including the Holocaust. To be frank, I really looked up to Hitler and viewed him as a one of the good guys and a morally upstanding man; I admired what he did for Germany; getting rid of usury and creating his own currency, kicking out the bankers and exposing the freemasons and their lodges for all to see, cleaning up and getting rid of all the sexual perversion, the degenerate art and films, and he turned Germany from a state of famine, destitution and homelessness to an economic powerhouse. I also saw that Hitler actually wanted peace and was not the warlord he was made out to be; I saw that he didn't want to conquer the world, but to just make Germany great again and be left alone and that Hitler did not start WW2. The bankers waged war on him and are the ones who started WW2. I became aware of all of this, HOWEVER, I left my Nazi or rather National Socialist phase. While it is still true that Hitler did many good things for Germany and his people and there could certainly be some historically incorrect stories about that period, I no longer admire or look up to Hitler as a morally upstanding man. I condemn him and his whole movement now, because he was involved in the dark occult and was severely anti Christian. Adolf Hitler and his party were involved in blood rituals - that's how they become so powerful; Hitler was a pagan luciferian and a satanist and he still did many very wicked things. He was a deceiver, and even if the Holocaust was not true, it is undeniable that he still hated the Jews and persecuted many of them, which was wrong. Also, a lot of his racial purity ideas and ideas on inferior and superior races are absurd and wicked. He was a raving eugenicist just like our psychopathic elites are. He praised Roman Catholicism (not true Christianity) and was very darwinian in his thinking; I know because I have Adolf Hitler's original version of Mein Kampf, the most accurate translation that hasn't been tampered with at all and the one actually issued by the National Socialist party themselves. Not the version found in Barnes and noble. I do indeed use my own brain, gut and intuition. I question and investigate everything, but this is one of those rabbit holes that can lead to many other new age deceptions. Be vigilant!

Molemane · 36-40, F
I have realized that all the people I have dated come from a different background, but same race. So we can expand this matter to more demographics. Before we even get to culture and religion and race when it comes to basic practicalities of day to day living; decisions and priorities our behavior would clash because it was shaped by 2 different circumstances. This is regarding money, how to raise kids and chores (gender roles) blah blah. Even if there is chemistry between us the chemistry is destroyed by simple differences. Now I fantasize about being with a like minded person and a person that whos upbringing was similar to mine. I thought it didn't matter but it has been a toxic space with negative repercussions that affect personal growth.
@Molemane I couldn't agree more! There is so much to say about that, but time is not on my side right now. Also, I see you have been scrolling through my posts almost back to the beginning. I hope you're gleaning a lot from them.
Northwest · M
What are the differences between races?
You can segregate yourself all you want. I'm going to keep hanging around the people I love.
@SW-User Back again. You're addicted, girl.
@SW-User I told you that I'm a huge fan. I'm not being sarcastic. Like, I actually have loads of fun reading your posts. You understand that, right?
@SW-User Yes, I do, which is why I said you're addicted, and I love it!
We're all human beings.

@SW-User So we should all segregate into our own little tribes? And hate the others?
@SW-User Well, I am not a white nationalist or a segregationist per say, but if we are to be honest, segregation is what maintains diversity, is it not? It is what maintains the races. I am not against interracial marriage at all, as I myself am married to someone who is another race, however, I wouldn't like to see all of humanity become one homogenized flat gray blob. It isn't very exciting. So, I am okay with it occurring on small scales, and on smaller scales tension is far less, but overall, melting pot nations are the source of much strife, blood, sweat and tears. They don't work out. This is reality. The only way multiculturalism does work is if all the races are united by a great cause, specifically Christianity; if they are believers on the Lord Jesus Christ. We can transcend race, but only through Christ.
@SW-User Damn. That's quite a manifesto.

Good luck with that.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
my answer is lots of inter-racial sex
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Well Saïd 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I dunno.
My sister married a Sicilian, and my brother married a Vietnamese, and they have made my family's life richer.

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