ian2watt · 61-69, M
Many thanks for this LadyGrace.
God bless you
God bless you
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Our God just wants our Heart to be in line with him. How amazing is that. It's so comforting to know that he accepts all who come to him, irrespective of who they are, if they want to live a life like him. God has open doors for everyone.
This is the time when people should accept and believe in Jesus Christ for there will be rumors of war and there will be wars. Time is ticking faster than ever. I think it's the most appropriate time for anyone and everyone to accept the Lord in one's heart and get to the Kingdom of heaven rather than living a life and trying to explore the unknowns. In the end, even the explorers would confirm that It is our Lord who made this earth, who made the very aur, the very plant, the very cloud, the very nature and the very laws of nature. His presence is manifested in all his creations, everything. From mountains to deep oceans.
I love your posts, posts of my brothers who are working hard to let everyone know from North to South, from East to west. So that no person remains on earth who can say to God that I did not have a chance to hear his words.
Thank you for this post.
This is the time when people should accept and believe in Jesus Christ for there will be rumors of war and there will be wars. Time is ticking faster than ever. I think it's the most appropriate time for anyone and everyone to accept the Lord in one's heart and get to the Kingdom of heaven rather than living a life and trying to explore the unknowns. In the end, even the explorers would confirm that It is our Lord who made this earth, who made the very aur, the very plant, the very cloud, the very nature and the very laws of nature. His presence is manifested in all his creations, everything. From mountains to deep oceans.
I love your posts, posts of my brothers who are working hard to let everyone know from North to South, from East to west. So that no person remains on earth who can say to God that I did not have a chance to hear his words.
Thank you for this post.
Amen sister! How great is our eternal salvation, it's still so amazing that we can know God now!
This message was deleted by its author.
@SW-User I'm real proud of you. I know it's rough but please do hang in there. These will pass. I will talk to you tomorrow okay? Much love. It's time for me to turn in but I'll definitely be praying for you. Try not to think about things too much okay? Cuz the more you think about things the worst you will be upset. I'll talk to you later. Try to get some rest. ❤

@LadyGrace thank you sm, honestly. I will turn in too now. I've been hoping I could resolve a misunderstanding with a person. Edit- shortened message because I don't want to stress anyone
@SW-User try to rest tonight. We'll talk about it tomorrow okay? It'll be okay. Please get some good sleep.