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sree251 · 41-45, M
Why do you feel doomed?
Adstar · 56-60, M
For sure. They are the best of all in the human history.
Blessings upon you for believing Him..

Do you Trust in the Atonement of The LORD Jesus,, that He secured by His death on the cross,, pays the penalty for all your sins and secures for you eternity in The LORD's perfect eternal existence?
Traingut · 41-45, M
@Adstar Yes, everything is true

About eternal existence, I have sinned and I keep it going on, so, what not very sure about it.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Traingut If one believes Jesus and trusts that His atonement pays the penalty for their sins that person will have eternal life with Jesus in His eternal perfect existence..

So Belief and Trust are the foundations of ones Salvation..

Ones personal performance in sin avoidance and good works doing does not see one Redeemed from the Lake of Fire.. The works salvation mindset is the most toxic false view of The Way of salvation one could have.. Salvation has never been based on ones level of worthiness to be saved because NO ONE is worthy of the promises of Christ.. The saved end up being saved because they are forgiven all their deeds that make them unworthy to enter the Kingdom of God..

Salvation has always been a gift from God.. Yet so many people make the mistake of thinking it is a debt that they must replay to have..

And Africa.

Also, all Continents have Christians.

You say you feel doomed, don't follow the commandments, etc. We are not saved on our works but by grace.

Do you read the Bible everyday and go to Church on Sundays?
Traingut · 41-45, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic No
But I am planning.
@Traingut Do these things, fellowship is key to growth.

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