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Can Satan grant your wishes?

Can one summon Satan, to grant their wishes? Satan won’t fulfill anything for you or anyone else. He hates mankind with a deep and jealous hatred, and from the beginning he intended to destroy us all, if he could. You can't order Satan about. It is his agenda to lead you...just as far away from God, as he can!

Why would Satan want to grant your wishes, when the only thing Satan really wants from us, he already has...UNTIL we confess our sins to God, He forgives, and our sins no longer keep us seperated from Him.

"He that believeth not in the saving power of Jesus, is already condemned." By what or whom? Certainly not condemned by God!! He came to SAVE. Therefore, SIN has automatically condemned our souls, until we ask Jesus to save us. It's in the bible. John 3:16, 17, and 18

Satan uses the power of delusion and he wants you to believe that he can offer you fulfillment of your wishes, but he lies. If you’re a vain deluded man, he’ll enjoy every moment of your suffering and striving in your short human life. You will be painfully betrayed, and the devil will be delighted. Scripture refers to him as the "Great Deceiver and Father of All Lies", whose sole intention is to own your soul and see you in hell.

If you wish to worship Satan, do so at your own risk, and the risk of your family. Satanists and Luciferians, are under the greatest deception, that they can serve Satan, harm and kill, and perpetually get away with it. You can join up if you want; but you'll be looking at eternal life in an unbearable and torturous environment, the minute you lie toes up on this planet, then suddenly sit up in the underworld , where there's no escape.

Contrary to belief, scripture says you won't be there with your friends, to laugh and party, because hell is described as a place of "outer darkness". That means the darkness envelopes and swallows you up to where it is so dark and black, you cannot even see your hand in front of your face! And this is what Jesus came to save us from...the condemnation sin put on us. He can't do that, if you won't let him. He promises to save all who call upon him. He wants to see all of us in heaven and turns no one away.

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Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
I have seen myself entangled in very simple problems of my life earlier. I wish had Iknown all of it a few years back in my 20s.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Wonder if anyone has witnessed Satan in their life.
Do you know of anyone who got trapped by Satan? I know of someone.
@TheOrionbeltseeker I don't know of anyone as of now but would like to know if you have a true story.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@TheOrionbeltseeker No one has actually seen Satan. He'd never allow that. He's much too clever and subtle about managing evil in this world. He makes it look tempting and enticing, so we think nothing of it. But in the end, after we've sinned, the consequences hit us and sometimes our consciences drive us crazy. What we see are the consequences of sin, not Satan himself.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User No one has actually seen Satan. He'd never allow that. He's much too clever and subtle about managing evil in this world. He makes it look tempting and enticing, so we think nothing of it. But in the end, after we've sinned, the consequences hit us and sometimes our consciences drive us crazy. What we see are the consequences of sin, not Satan himself.
Does Satan really influence people or he let then go?
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User It is in the bible, yes he does. What we see in this world, with all its violence, hate, evil, and crime, is evidence of Satan's influence, each and every day.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Satan is just a snake with no arms and legs. It's like Jesus shove Satan inside a bottle and lock him up with a cap. Satan can't do shit except he can only roll a bottle around like a Hamster to deceive anyone. His voices can make special effects inside a Bottle which is it. And some people fall for these lies without realizing.

Maybe I went overboard with this claim but you know what I mean XD
LadyGrace · 70-79
@FreestyleArt Well, he's really an individual, but I get ya. lol He's way more harmful than anything in this world, but many don't know that.

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