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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Mark Twain said, " If people are this bad with religion, consider how much worse they might be without it."
@lostcanadian: I can't wait to see the source for that quote. You really shouldn't believe everything you read/hear.
lostcanadian · 70-79, M
@DesiredNightmare: I'm not sure but I think it was something Ricky Gervais said. I have no idea where he got the information or even if he just made it up. If it was him you would have to ask him not me. As I said though the first number is a little meaningless.
@lostcanadian: considering it's made up, it's all meaningless.

I'm not religious myself, but your post is full of bad information. How many of those verses were pulled out of context to be counted? Is "though shall not kill" recorded as a mark against it because it references voilence?
As friends your last paragraph... you don't think the elimination of religion would lead to an overall decline in morals, thus leading to more crime and violence?
Lastly, do some research. The number of people killed in the name of religion is far lower than that of people killed over things like land, oil, money, etc. Should we get rid of all those as well?
@lostcanadian: one of your points is that people are killed in the name of religion. I called you on it, and you cite numbers from a book you don't believe. That has nothing to do with my viewpoint and everything to do with you failing in spectacular fashion to use simple logic. It's a shame you're not capable of an intelligent conversation.
lostcanadian · 70-79, M
@DesiredNightmare: Are you saying that people aren't killed in the name of religion? It wasn't one of my points but now that you mention it I think they certainly are.

I said:
1. I am not aware of anything that has caused more harm in this world than religion, particularly the Abrahamic religions. History is full of the atrocities that have taken place in the name of Christianity and now it seems it's the Muslim’s turn and their believe in Islam. I used the term "harm".

2. Then I asked people to read the Qur'an to determine whether fundamental Muslims or peaceful Muslims were following the teachings of their holy book intimating there were horrible things in the Qur'an and then said the bible was just as bad.

3. Then I provided statistics on violence and cruelty in the bible to support my claim.

As far as the rest of what you said, have you ever heard the term "Ad hominem argument"?
@lostcanadian: it's not my fault you can't back up any of the claims you've made. I disputed the claim that religion has caused all the harm you claim. Your reply is best guess numbers from a website that thrives on bashing the bible... the Bible you don't believe in?

Have a good day (:
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
We need more uniters, not dividers.
liopleurodon707 · 22-25, F
Goodness gracious... context, context, context. I'm wondering if you've read either.
liopleurodon707 · 22-25, F
I hear ya. Well I won't try to disprove your point, I have zero debate skills. And starting an argument would probably go nowhere, besides the fact that I don't want to argue. But I will express my disagreement.
liopleurodon707 · 22-25, F
@lostcanadian: One more question: Why did you read the bible cover to cover? Were you a doing it for religious reasons or were you doing it for the sake of knowledge?
lostcanadian · 70-79, M
A religious reason

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