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YoMomma ·
@Notsimilarreally they will, i don't hate everyone at Hamas tho, (mostly the evil upper leaders who don't even live there).. i mostly just hate the anti Israel philosophy that pushes them to murder any and all Israeli.. a hate culture that the UN supported the teachings of; in turning the whole population including lil Gaza west bank children into hateful terrorist telling them (falsely) that Israel stole their land and they need to murder all Israel and take it back.. that attitude and that train of thoughts is what i am against the disrespect and disregard and the hate for all Israel's very existence 🤐 but anyway they finally returned the mothers dead body to Israel, they say they were all murdered by hand in Gaza the month after oct 7th 🙁 i think the UN should be held responsible for their shit move in condoning and assisting the rise of violence and hate in the area. To this day.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
You're right, it's not right to hate the brainwashed, forced, whatever the case may be ignorant followers just for doing what they are told is right and it's all they know. 😐
YoMomma ·
@Notsimilarreally yeah some people want to free Gaza from Hamas but the people there are the core of Hamas and Hamas themselves and the Whole of Hamas needs to be free of their bad brainwashing & hateful ideologies that make them think it's ok and even good to kill Israelis.. it's insanity and it's instigated by the bad education and evil culture teachings there.. but that's all they know.. but it needs to stop.. the core hate that breeds violence
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