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56-60, M
Semi retired news media professional. I'm finding I don't like idleness and will change that
About Me
Give a Gift Give VIP as Gift
36-40, F
Oh yeah !!!! Thanks !!!!!
36-40, F
... that's good! I'm thirsty today 🌷
Absolutely not
41-45, F
Thank you!
36-40, F
Happy New Year to you and yours! 🌷

36-40, F
Sending lots of peace and joy to you and your family this Christmas season.
36-40, F
How true it is !!!
61-69, F
this is a "just because" gift. why? because I like you. Kisses and hugs
I appreciate your lovely words, thank you xx
Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy your celebration with family and loved ones.
36-40, F
I hope your holiday is full of love, peace and joy!
51-55, F
Thank you for this beautiful gift!.😊
31-35, F
I just laugh at them. Not worth the hassle to argue
26-30, F
Thank you for your kind words. Here’s a southern Hotdog.. not a β€œdirty hotdog” as they call them in the streets of NYC. Lol enjoy. πŸ™‚
Thankyou and heres your drink for the weekend 😁
41-45, F
Found at the end of the rainbow. :-)
41-45, F
Thank you for the Easter wishes.
Merry Christmas πŸŽπŸŽ„
41-45, M
For You Man
Oh my gosh your first gift πŸ’ :)