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61-69, F
Give a Gift Give VIP as Gift
61-69, M
Gift for you old friend
61-69, M
A promise from me to you
41-45, M
For u
61-69, M
This would look nice on you
61-69, M
To a special friend
41-45, M
For you 😊
61-69, M
For a blooming nice chat
61-69, M
To play with
61-69, M
Happy birthday
Jus for you XO
61-69, M
this would look lovely on your neck, thanks for being my close friend
61-69, M
for a sexy lady
61-69, M
For you
26-30, F
Thank you for being so supportive.
Many hugs
I hope you have a better day today... and the day after... and the day after....
61-69, M
For you
R those boobs?