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31-35, M
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BlueGreen · 31-35, M
My fav hobby <3
Gusman · 61-69, M
Hello, nearly the weekend... in another 38 hours it will be 6am Saturday 😂 Time now 4.15pm Thursday
More fine weather here in Perth.
I think I will be able to go to the cricket this weekend.
As I said earlier, I will not be travelling outside of Australia anymore. No desire at all.
So we will not meet up.
Attended Physio again today. Doing Hydrotherapy next week.
Surgeon will see me again in 6 weeks.
I might be able to go back to work in 7 - 8 weeks
Breakfast this morning was Belgian Waffle with whipped cream, Boysenberry Ice cream and Maple Syrup and a fresh Strawberry Smoothie
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Howdy fam
Was wondering what's up :)
Ice-cream n smoothie for breakfast seems something that I'd prefer probably.
Waiting in my old uni to get some attestation. Just had a sandwich for lunch.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@BlueGreen Breakfast was at 10.30 this morning.
How long have you been waiting there and will you be home before Dinner Time?
Do you drive or is public transport adequate?
I remember one time when I was in Malacca, Malaysia I had Rogan Josh for lunch and it was rather hot. Had not eaten many chili dishes up until then. It was not too hot, but burnt the next morning a little.😂
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Rogan josh is Kashmiri cuisine. Want to try!
Arrived here around 1:30, now it's 4. I hope to get out within half an hour.
I don't drive, so public transport.
I usually return before dinner, but it gets late to sleep doing small stuff.
Want to see some pics of the travel.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Okay, wake up. Just because it is Sunday does not mean you can sleeped in. 😂
Time here now is 9.40am, already 30 degrees. 😥
I am at the baseball, still 1st innings, Perth has one run on the board.
I think I will only be here for the first game. Temperature is tipped to reach 31 but with it being 30 already, might get a bit hotter than that.
Flags are hanging limp, no breeze.
Maccas for breakfast, two sausage and egg muffins and a coffee.
Broke even on the horses yesterday. Always better than losing.
This message was deleted by its author.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Good morning 🙂
It is a real shame when our plans do not work out because of failings in the system.
I hope that it all turns out for the good and you get to study in Italy.
I will most likely be on crutches for at least another 3 weeks.
Going back to the hospital tomorrow for x rays to see if the bone has mended.
Time now is 8.20am and I am still lying in bed.
Might be time for breakfast soon. Maybe scrambled eggs again.
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Morning fam
Nice birb :)
Enjoy the chill time. <3
I started eating eggs more frequently for workout, but I gotta admit I like em more now.
Just had veggie Khichuri. 4 buns before this.
If you ever travel again, I want to join. There's so much to see. 🌈
This is the cellphone cover that I bought. It was so difficult to get the phone out of it and the phone gets hotter in it. However, I'd probably use it when I go out, as it has a camera shield.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Good morning fam
8.33am here. Went to Maccas for breakfast this morning.
About to go watch the local cricket. Doubt if I will stay all day though, temperature is going to be 36 today.
Will most likely go home to my air conditioner about midday.
You ask if I have any interest in seeing the world.
I done my travelling in my younger days.
Went on a couple of cruise ship trips around the islands in the South Pacific - Fiji - Noumea - Vanuatu - New Caledonia etc.
I also hired a car in Malaysia and spent a month driving around the island. Staying at various places.
I remember driving early one morning near the border of Thailand and being stopped by the police who searched my car.
Found nothing illegal and sent me on by way.
One thing that amused me was the road signs warning of Elephants.

My days of travelling outside of Australia are done now. I saw enough to know that Australia is the best place in the world - for me at least.
Everywhere I went on my travels there were far too many people trying to scam/con me out of my money.
Far too overcrowded.
I was really saddened when in Johor Bahru, outside the Hilton Hotel there were desperately poor people begging, whilst surrounded by extravagant opulence.
No, I will stay in my own piece of paradise. Why would I want to go anywhere else?
Have you travelled much, if at all?
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Afternoon kind sir. :)
I've traveled to Malaysia and inside Bangladesh. Spent like 4+ month's in MY. I was in college but dropped out. There's something about these Asian countries that made me feel like MY is empty. I guessed that it's due to inclining more to the foreign culture instead of own.
It's awesome that you've seen places. You like sea too I guess.
Traveling in a ship instead of airplane to the destination seems fascinating to me.
What was lunch?
Gusman · 61-69, M
Good morning, 7am Friday.
Deciding what to have for breakfast.
Think I will make me Scrambled eggs with garlic and cracked black pepper, toast with vegemite, orange juice and green tea.
I will be seeing the physiotherapist today re my ankle.
Might be doing hydrotherapy.
tomorrow being Saturday I will finally be able to go to the local cricket because I can drive myself there now. Ankle not being so sore and fragile now.
Sunday I can go to the baseball.
Warm weather today. 34 degrees, 35 tomorrow.
29 for you today in Bangladesh?
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Yumyum. I plan to eat 2 buns with cheese slices. Morning to you. Never drank and plan to never to.
Is it like injection?
Maybe go early before the booze starts and leave early.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@BlueGreen I give myself a needle subcutaneously (into skin- not vein) every morning.
Booze is served from when the first person arrives. No need to be there.
Just an end of year get together, with free booze. 😂
One hour until Taxi cab arrives to take me to the physio.
Will keep doing my crossword until then.
365 clues.
[image deleted]
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
These look a bit intense :)
Do you feel like seeing other parts of the world?
Gusman · 61-69, M
I used to cut my own hair but I have given myself so many haircuts that the blade is too blunt to cut anything now.
Horse race has just jumped. Winner coming up. Not. Horse lost. 🥺
It will be another month before I can start to get any exercise.
Personally I was put off mushrooms for life because my Grandmother who raised me would never clean them and all the mushroom dishes tasted like dirt. 🤢
Never been game to try them since then. Why eat fungus when there is so much else available to eat?
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
I very rarely ate mushroom my whole life. The soft and munchy feels with the flavor of it that enhances a dish is something cool.
What are your favourite exercises?
Gusman · 61-69, M
@BlueGreen I do not do anaerobic exercises per se.
My only exercise is bush walking up hills and down dales. Bush walking takes a lot of energy and I have not done any for more than 2 months now.
Really missing go out into the bush and experiencing all it has to offer.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Trusting you are having a pleasant day.
Thank you for the gift.
What do you get up to on a daily basis? Anything exciting?
Today I drove my car for the first time since breaking my ankle on October 4th.
Not a lot of flexibility in the foot but still managed okay.
Had a few bets today and won $150.
I will be going back to my doctor on Wednesday which will require a taxi cab into the city.
I need an extension on my workers compensation capacity to work ticket. Going to ask for another month extension.
Time now is 8.15pm, watching Poirot.
What are you up to my friend?
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
That kangaroo looks cozy.
Let's find an activity that we can do online. :)
You must know a lot of words! Did you ever write literature?
It's interesting that they export to middle east wow
Btw, was getting ready for dinner.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@BlueGreen Time now is 11.25 am, I finally made it to MacDonalds for breakfast.
Sausage and Egg and a flat white coffee.
Went to the hairdresser first. Number one shears all over. 👩‍🦲
Doctors tomorrow morning. Also need to make a physio appointment for Thursday.
Cricket on Saturday. First match I will be able to attend since ankle mishap.
I can also go to the baseball on Sunday.
You keeping yourself busy fam?
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Fun activities. :)
0 or 1 trim is my preference and I do it on my own :)
Morning started here. I had 2 apple's and I've been drying under fan after morning cleanup.
I really want to try a cream of mushroom soup and the restaurant is also giving 15% off for this month. I ordered a cellphone cover so I am waiting for it to spend on first.
No gym here as I think I should wait for one day or two more for the vaccination rest.
Hope you get some exercise after getting well.
Lilnonames · F
Thank u
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
My whiteboard is shining now.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Longpatrol thinks you are Awesome.
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
I think you are awesome too. :)
Longpatrol · 31-35, M