ArdentAdventurer · 26-30, M
For starters, just hike down a dirt trail after a few rainy days. It takes a while to get comfortable, but basking in a big pit of mud is worth it!

Just try walking in it barefoot first, then gradually get muddier. You'll love it, trust me 😉
Livinlife11 · M
If you don't think you'd just jump in just take little steps, start with just walking in it then slowly start getting more covered in mud then maybe a couple times later I'm sure you'll be ready to jump right in and roll around!
Lushlaura · 41-45, T
I'm an amature to this too, I've started by walking through a field on the way home, which I know gets a bit muddy, I'll take my shoes off, sometimes my socks too and just walk through, I feel like I'm ready to find something deeper, or perhaps ''trip up' lol
ArdentAdventurer · 26-30, M
That's how it all starts, hehehe. For real though, once you're comfortable getting your feet caked in mud, it isn't much more to get down on your knees in it. It's not too big a jump from there to getting completely naked, and properly dirty 😉