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sarah0099 · 51-55, F
Shawshank redemption is up there :-)

ArtieKat · M
I've only just seen this post - I enjoyed Secretary but I wouldn't put in my top 5.

1. Casablanca
2. The Outlaw Josey Wales
3. The Graduate
4 The Godfather (Pt 1)
5. Women In Love (the Ken Russell/Glenda Jackson/Oliver Reed/Alan Bates version)
MargaretH · 70-79, F
I wish I could answer this, but the list just changes constantly and I feel I have many top fives depending on my mood.
Shawshank Redemption, Spartacus, The Green Mile, Pulp Fiction, The Pianist
Waterfall52 · 46-50, M
Scooby doo
Polar express
Saturday night fever
Jordan420 · 56-60, F
Secretary had some hot sex scenes in it
EmmaUK · 36-40, F
I only read reviews on films these days when I'm thinking about buying a film I haven't seen yet, and then its all read remembering that most people are biased in some way.. when it comes to Marvel movies its usually because of the comic book fans.. I have a friend thats like that, if she has read a book and then watches a film based on it she will hate it like 90% of the time because it wasnt like the book (and of course tell me everything that was wrong with it), which is why I never watch films with her anymore
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Idk about five but: forest gump, the lord of the rings, and Chicago

I can watch them a million times
EmmaUK · 36-40, F
Dark City was awesome, never seen 1 and 4 though.. there two of those I meant to see and got lost in the cracks.. but maybe if they put them on Netflix I'll get round to them sooner or later
EmmaUK · 36-40, F
300 was a great film but no I've never seen the comic, I have a friend that is a comic book fan but he is mostly into the DC comics (mainly Superman and Batman so I've avoided talking about the new film with him), but a lot of them just take it all too seriously.. besides with how many and fast films come out these days most of them will be forgotten about in a few months anyway
Gallantio · 46-50, M
Ah marvel did that to BvS. Zack said something to Antman, and marvel fanboys were breaking BvS on every god damn forum on the net, esp in Imdb. I wached it 2 times on imax, took my friends they loved it. Marvel rule the internet, look at civil war.. The movie is not out yet, but its rating is 8.5 with 200 I loved it reviews already..
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
@Flenflyys I hate those hobbit movies.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
The princess bride is so good though!
Gallantio · 46-50, M
You see... I saw reviewers hate man of steel and go mad about antman. You start to say wtf? I stopped reading reviews and not trustin web anymore. I watched man of steel like 40 times. It is tought in vfx schools. I interviewed vfx supervisors in mpc, they adore zack snyder.
Gallantio · 46-50, M
Yes i agree some take so seriuosly. I heard ppl talk 'my hero will beat yours'.. Or some say 'nuke explosion at that height bla bla'.. Wtf man? It is a creative art, a movie, for fun, it is entertainment business! Just enjoy and get a life lol. Nice talking to you Emma.
EmmaUK · 36-40, F
thats marvel fans for you.. although I did like Man of Steel which many hated so I'm expecting it will be good.. Cap.A is supposed to die in Civil War though so I'm just waiting to see if they keep that in the film
Gallantio · 46-50, M
Ah hate spoilers! I am a comic book fan too. Ok but what she says about 300 for example? Have you put 300 comic and 300 movie next to each other? I truly believe he is the best comic book interpreter these days.
2.District 9
3.Forrest Gump
5.A Guide To Recognising Your Saints

I dont know why I even answered this because I can of another ten I'd like to squeeze into my top five somewhere 😁
workaholic26 · 26-30, M
it can be hard to pick because of how many good movies there are. i always liked war films though so 1. saving private rayn 2. american sniper 3. lone survivor 4. black hawk down 5. enemy at the gates
1-Shawshank Redemption,2-Goodfellas,3-Some like it hot,4-Carlitos Way,5- The Untouchables...not in any particular order,plus there's loads mire films I can watch over and over again
If you you consider yourself a lonely soul at times you'll really identify with #1.....#4 you need to watch simply because it's pure greatness.
Not too shabby of a list Emma ;) Here's mine: 1. Lost in Translation 2. Dark City 3. Blade Runner 4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 5. V for Vendetta
2.Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid
3.Spinal Tap

subject to change :)
HausOfLuna · F
In no particular order:
1. The Burbs
2. Ghostbusters
3. Dr Zhivago
4. By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
5. The Count of Monte Cristo

And many others but those popped in my mind first 😊
EmmaUK · 36-40, F
not seen BvS yet, heard so many mixed reviews I thought I'd wait for it to come up for rent on google play
callis40 · 46-50, M
1 starwars a new hope
2 saving private ryan
3 john wick chapter 1
4 battle of britain
5 coming to america
Tryingtomoveforward · 36-40, M
Hmm. Shawshank redemption, matrix, Unstoppable, jurassic world, star treck.

Love to chat pm me.
MichaelT · 36-40, M
Crimes and Misdemeanors
Shawshank Redemption
Dial M for Murder
American Beauty
1, Ground Hog's Day,
2. Yojimbo,
3. Moscow Doesn't Like Tears,
4. Bruce Conner's A MOVIE,
5. La Jetee
tiggerandariel13 · 41-45, MVIP
Beavis and Butthead do America Juno Twins American Pie and Caddyshack
fight club, the man without a past, filth, clerks 2, idoicracy....and many many more
Mickwnes · 51-55, M
Lost in Translation
No Country for Old Men
The Revenant
Raging Bull
romper69 · 51-55, M
The Thing
Hana Bi
Singin In The Rain
Battle Royale
Big Trouble In Little China
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Dark city The 50 first dates Total Recall Hostel Source code
Otherwoman2015 · 36-40, F
Forest gump! Pretty woman, the jerk, elf, hangover
JanDaw · 51-55, F
I have heard of only one of these lol.
EmmaUK · 36-40, F
well I guess it could be worse.. lol
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Omg James...if you don't like lord of the rings...
romper69 · 51-55, M
Secretary..Maggie Gyllenhaal...oh my 💓
I love the princess bride
The Princess Bride is just epic!
romell · 51-55, M
could we be friends..emma u look cute!
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
@Flenflyys D: Lord of the rings
Gallantio · 46-50, M
Watchmen? Cool. How was BvS?
Please message me!
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
I think I've only seen #3
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
😮 no precious!

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