Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
There are some great folks hidden among the weirdos though. There are some that are worse than any strange fetish; those people who use others for their advantage or their thrills and think nothing about the ramifications of hurting others or the ones hiding to live out their sick and/or illegal fantasies. Unfortunately anonymity breeds this. I stay around for my friends and in the hopes I will meet others that are semi normal like me, the vanilla with sprinkles folks are my favorite group.
Tallos40 · 51-55, M
I am semi normal and none of my fetishes are illegal. You will find odd people all over social media platforms though.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Tallos40 I agree. I think i eat more sprinkles than you do my friend.
Tallos40 · 51-55, M
@Fungirlmmm I keep my sprinkles to myself 😂
lasergraph · 70-79, M
Just as in real life there is an assortment of people here. Unfortunately those we find undesirable are usually the loudest.

Unfortunate, but true.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
You shouldn't.
And while I don't know your particular circumstance, I have found there is a class of people on this site who will attack, bully and attempt to drive off those who do not share their political beliefs.
I will just say to anyone who has experienced that, to not allow yourself to be intimidated or driven off by the more dominant, popular members because you don't share their beliefs.
It's happened to me many times, and I do not suffer fools and bullies.
And while I don't know your particular circumstance, I have found there is a class of people on this site who will attack, bully and attempt to drive off those who do not share their political beliefs.
I will just say to anyone who has experienced that, to not allow yourself to be intimidated or driven off by the more dominant, popular members because you don't share their beliefs.
It's happened to me many times, and I do not suffer fools and bullies.

@SumKindaMunster That's one reason that I stay away from posts on politics, and I don't make posts on politics.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SW-User Fair enough and I certainly don't blame you. I am also aware of the perverts on this site who harass female members with sexual propositions and repeated requests for cyber sex and nude photos.
Just block those guys, they will find more agreeable members to spend their time with.
Good luck.
Just block those guys, they will find more agreeable members to spend their time with.
Good luck.
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@dunpender Yes they can be 😆.
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Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Sometimes they aren’t even obvious until you talk in PM and find out they are sleazy.
Sepia · 36-40, F
They can be rowdy..esp when they disagree with you lol bunch of fvcktards you take a list of
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