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I Am German

How do Germans who live in and are citizens of Germany feel about Merkel turning the country into a Muslim colony?

Germany is not a small country, but it's too small to absorb a million Muslim immigrants in just one year without being permanently denatured.

Look at
A German village issued a polite appeal to the Muslim colonialists to conduct themselves with respect toward the local people and culture. Hardheim was ferociously denounced as "racists" and intimidated into removing the letter to the colonizers.

Bruno : "Germans are being offended, insulted, harrassed, assaulted, beaten and even killed in Germany by migrants, and these migrants are mostly muslim migrants. And it is happening EVERY DAY in Germany." (thread at

Why not use German money to aid needy Muslims within their own region instead of bringing them to a European country whose culture they have no desire to adopt?
1. warum zur hölle schreibst du nicht auf deutsch, wenn du deutsche leute fragst wie sie über ein politisches thema denken und 2. ergibt was du schreibst keinen sinn. Es wird immer-immer dümmer zum ende hin... Deutschland nimmt flüchtlinge auf. Soweit logisch oder? die heißen flüchtlinge, weil sie aus ihrem eigenen land fliehen mussten. Dadurch wird deutschland zum Vorbild für andere Nationen. Alleine die tatsache dass wir flüchtlinge aufnehmen-unabhängig von ihrer Religion, Hautfarbe oder Herkunft- ist Faktisch eine Soziale glanzleistung, wenn ich das so sagen darf. Darauf bin ich als deutscher stolz. Und eine Millionen muslime auf 80 millionen deutsche ist nichts worüber man sich aufregen sollte. HAHA und dann noch zu dem letzten: was meinst du, wie viele Muslime in deutschland von betrunkenen randalierern getötet werden? Ich kann über deinen text leider nur lachen :D... oder weinen
Da hast du wieder recht! Für mich ist es jedoch nicht nur eine Frage des Stolzes, dass wir viele Flühtlinge aufnehmen - unabhängig von ihrer Religion, Hautfarbe oder Herkunft. Ich finde auch, dass es die verdammte Pflicht und Schuldigkeit von JEDEM von uns ist - und nicht nur uns Deutschen - sondern auch von anderen Ländern, denen es gut geht, Menschen aufzunehmen und zu helfen, die vor dem Terror ihres Landes fliehen.
Ich kann nur immer wieder das eine dazu sagen: Ich arbeite mitten in einer Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung für Asylbewerber. Ich sitze als Sozialarbeiterin sozusagen direkt an der Quelle. Ich weiß, wovon ich rede!
In welchem Bundesland arbeitest Du, Loretta?
Ich arbeite in Bayern in einer Notunterkunft (Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung) für Asylbewerber.
Honestly...being previously a Muslim myself, and having lived all my life in a war torn country before I decided to study in Germany ......I'm feeling conflicted on this, on one hand, at least some of those refugees are really war torn and were desperate to leave their homes due to terorrisim .but I really think they're not the majority.
Cause on the other hand, I know tons of people who came here because they were "bored" or just wanted to try living in Europe while "getting paid for it", and trust me I have a personal friend who decided to do this! -_-
So those opportunists as I view them, are here only for fun or to better their lives , but not necessarily oppressed or desperate , and you can bet less than 1% of them are willing to change their ideals and behaviors to fit good luck reforming them to mix with society.

I think the German people are too nice and a bit too naive to see this, often times my German friends don't like it when I talk like this , but they can't call me racist cause I'm basically taking about my own race lol.

My position is that we brought this upon ourselves , we allowed extreme mentality to enter islam when just 20 years ago, it was non existant, and yes the US helped fund ISIS on the grounds of supporting "freedom fighters" just like they funded Al-Qaida to combat the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the day, and now at least three Arabic countries are ruined, extremists are turning from a minority in Islam to being the mainstream , and things keep getting worse.
But the US is ofc not doing anything , they are leaving Germany to clean up and take care of the situation cause "they have nazi debt to pay" Well that's b.s , you don't get involved in something of this scale to clear a debt that's almost a century old!
I just hope Germany will be OK and that Merkel thought this through, I really love this country :)
I think your comment is very good, but the US did not fund al Qaida or ISIS. That's just leftist gossip. Just because Muslims were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan doesn't mean they were on the US payroll. Bin Laden was wealthy in his own right.
I'm not sure what to think about this. I partly feel sorry for them cause they had a hard journey to take and not all of them are bad or criminal. Merkel wants to show that we are a kind hearted country and prove that things have changed, to get rid of the terrible nazi image we still carry. I'm not doubting that her intentions are good-hearted. But I really hate how some of the migrants act. A lot of them claim they want to make a fresh start in Germany, that might be true but they just fall into same habits as in their home-countries. Many of them act violent and rude. Especially against woman. Some of them don't seem to accept the fact that men and women are equal here. There have been many cases of rape in camps and Policewoman are being harassed and disrespected by them. Also the crime rate has highly risen. This way they'll only put Germany in a similar misery as their home countries are in right now. Most of us don't mind them here but not if they act and treat others like that.
I agree with you on this problem
That's just not going to go well. No matter who you or they would like to point the finger at, Muslim culture just doesn't seem to play well with others.

Good luck adapting to them because they're not going to adapt to you.
I'm really afraid of that. I think it's intended to destroy Germany, at least to remove the identity of the nation or to lower the intelligence of the people.
That's something I think Hitler would say if he were alive today.
English bitte
so-in your opinion they are coming to germany/to europe to infiltrate the county/countries?
You are right again. There´s no different at all!
They are not coming as refugees. They are not coming directly from Syria. They are coming from the camps in Turkey and Jordan, where they are safe from Assad and Islamic State. I believe they are coming for jobs and welfare. I do believe that they are being pushed to Europe by forces, including the Muslim government of Turkey, which desire to wage jihad with the demographic bomb when military force is impractical. And I believe many of the colonists themselves share the conscious desire to be a part of Islamifying Europe. I don't believe any of them are coming with a desire to assimilate into European culture. That would make them bad Muslims. Mainstream Muslim doctrine teaches that non-Muslim civilization is unclean and illegitimate. Are you aware of the fact that the few Middle Eastern Christians who have made it to Europe are being harshly persecuted by the Muslim colonists?
Yeah let's resurrect Hitler!
hitler's no freelance hero tho. he'll want payment for the job... and the coin is war.
Hitler was a strong ally of the Muslims, particularly the Mufti of Jerusalem. I think there is absolutely no doubt that among Muslims Hitler is their favorite European.
Why cant I comment?

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