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Paliglass · 41-45, F
Well you've convinced me to do that lol, that's how convincing you are.

I was into the environment and saving the planet. I completely agree in theory with what you're saying and you should definitely do this.

My life took turns. I loved learning science until I got to degree level and found out that science is still not finite and they don't know so much stuff yet that I gave it up as I did not want to spend my life trying to discover anything. I know that probably sounds strange but I didn't see it as time worthy.

I also like to help people so I then studied counselling and psychotherapy to level 3 and gave it up. I gave this up because I had group therapy and looked at the therapist and thought no way could I sit listening to this and not be depressed.

I continued with the helping idea and got a qualification in health training. I referred nearly everyone to therapy because the limits of that role and myself knowing that therapy does help made me see each persons problem in a psychological way.

While doing this I helped a lady do a childrens party. I loved it and started my own small party business. I love doing this. It is creative and fun and a complete distraction from life for a couple of hours where you have to be completely focused on being smiley and having fun. I will do this for as long as I can.

Along the way and always really I love to know how things work. When i was young I said I'd never drive because of the environment but with children getting on a bus seems awful so I learnt to drive. I then got into learning about how to fix cars. Cars are finite - either work or don't and when you fixed them, unlike a person lol, they don't go out and drive badly anyway. So I find mechanics satisfying.

Also started a house cleaning business while doing the other stuff because it fits in with my life. I love this too. I get to help old people, mothers and just really messy people have a slightly easier life.

My main focus is my children and obviously I use the skills I learnt learning counselling to be able to talk to them better. I use the great amount of education I have had to help them with their studies and my time revolves around them.

I'm at a kind of cross roads again. Progress my cleaning business or continue with mechanics. I love mechanics but a very special lady I know (who I work well with doing parties) needs a job that fits her life during the week. She can't read or write very well but she works very hard and is very intelligent. I've never worked as well with anyone as I work with her. We've been there for eachother through alot. Alot of people misjudge her, judge her, don't like her. These are people she's given a home to when they were homeless btw. I see her flaws but we work well together and I feel torn between working with a person I love and working fixing cars which I love doing.

Ideally I'll do all three.

So my passion. Firstly my children and allowing them to be all they can be. They need teachers like you and I truly wish you success. Secondly entertaining at childrens parties with my friend because I don't like to and won't do it without her. We built it together and that is worth more than the actual job it's self. And lastly I love fixing things for the mental challenge and helping people - in a very small measurable way that doesn't adversely effect me - by cleaning for them and I am a very good cleaner lol.

It's great you have a passion and that you are driven by saving the planet. It's a great life's goal and passion. I wish you a full, happy and successful life.
@Paliglass Thank you for sharing, I really enjoy hearing other people's stories and perspectives. I like that you have experienced a variety of careers. All of them have great focuses. I see mechanics a similar way, it is like biology but for cars. Helping the people around you is also a great thing. This is a great dilemma, your heart will follow whatever speaks to you- even if that means all of them. I think the best thing to do is let the path take you on, forcing something on yourself can make it more complicated. Time is your friend in this case, (as it is in mine too). Thank you so much for your kind words, I am very glad to read this. You seem very encouraging, I am sure you will continue to be for those who work with you. Thank you, again, and I wish you the best.
Paliglass · 41-45, F
You're a 100% right about not forcing things. I will let it unfold naturally.

I liked reading your story because you reminded me a little of myself when younger but I had no clear direction at all. You have a clear direction and it's a great direction and motivation to have. Educating the young in environmental issues is the surest way to help the planets future. It's humble, it's being an unsung hero and the motivation and determination to do this is fantastic 🌟🌹
@Paliglass This means so much to me. I value your kind words. Thank you so much. I have been stuck on so many ideas for so long, these ideas I have shared have been absolutely reassuring that I can actually find something I can be passion about, something I can learn from as time goes on. Thank you again.

I'm a stage actor. I like to act. Going to stick with it.
@SW-User That's great!

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