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Vannie · F
@waleskinder .....
@Vannie Sorry about that guy. It was a bit blunt.
Vannie · F
@canusernamebemyusername its okay
funtravler · 36-40, F
You'll figure things out, that is what experiences are for
SatyrService · M
dear little sister.
our world has been changed by forces that are not clear, but enormously powerful, and without soul, or ethics.
Imagine if you could not tell a real sandwich from a picture of one.
Imagine if people could not tell the difference between a dog, and a stuffed toy one.
This is the world you are in, that gives you such discomfort.
we are swamped by so called "values" that have no purpose but to me us feel bad, and aquire what we are told will make us whole.
advertising images, social media popularities, political propaganda all say some version of
You are Not Worthy
the way out is,,,, Out! get out of the house, get out of the online illusion, get out of false freindships and meaningless sensation.
it is hard, to let go of the things they insist we must be and have.
look inward, dream of what you really want, not what is being sold to you.
A map is NOT the road.
a menue is NOT food.
find yourself in yourself, not in what is being hyped everywhere
our world has been changed by forces that are not clear, but enormously powerful, and without soul, or ethics.
Imagine if you could not tell a real sandwich from a picture of one.
Imagine if people could not tell the difference between a dog, and a stuffed toy one.
This is the world you are in, that gives you such discomfort.
we are swamped by so called "values" that have no purpose but to me us feel bad, and aquire what we are told will make us whole.
advertising images, social media popularities, political propaganda all say some version of
You are Not Worthy
the way out is,,,, Out! get out of the house, get out of the online illusion, get out of false freindships and meaningless sensation.
it is hard, to let go of the things they insist we must be and have.
look inward, dream of what you really want, not what is being sold to you.
A map is NOT the road.
a menue is NOT food.
find yourself in yourself, not in what is being hyped everywhere
TallMtnMedic · M
In times like those, I take a step back and remember that I have people in my life that I matter too, and times I've been told directly and indirectly.
It is okay to be lost for a while. Don't be scared. You can have an adventure in the meantime.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
You okay? I am a good listener. If you ever need a friend to talk to about absolutely anything, you can just message me. I'll listen to you. I'm sorry about what you're going through and hope you figure it out.
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
We all deal with that from time to're going to succeed
katykatt · 26-30, F
There's always Sunshine after the rain
haircutfreak · 51-55, M
Please message me
Mistakesmakeus · M
Sounds like me...
just know you exist.
that's all you have to know :)
that's all you have to know :)