MethDozer · M
I've yet to find a single vape juice or set up that doesn't have that dull and sickening flavor profile.
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CruellaDeVil · 26-30, F
@MethDozer I had to stop smoking because I am pregnant
MethDozer · M
@CruellaDeVil Vaping isn't good for that either. Nicotine is nicotine.
CruellaDeVil · 26-30, F
no nicotine in it cause I don't put it in

I order mine from vista vapours. It’s a US online store and they ship all the way to Australia too. (Can’t buy nicotine juices in Aus stores.) so I order through this mob. If you order from there I recommend Atlantic which is one of their premium blends, tastes like banana cake with a hint of cinnamon and caramel and that’s one of many blended varieties they have.
wheels1972 · M
are you in the uk? if so look at vape club and uk ecig store online