JessLovesLoud · 18-21, F
Hi again
Ian123 · 61-69, M
There are advantages, you could be a professional volleyball or basketball player and make millions
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Depends on what you call tall - I’m 5’9” - 175 cms but I often work with taller women🙂
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Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@FreakishlyTallGirl One I’ve worked with is 6’4”
likesunusualwomen · 46-50, M
Or better yet embrace your height and enjoy being tall
coolguy10 · 31-35, M
how tall are you?
xixgun · M
I dated a woman who was 6'3" before.
askmyteapot · M
I've met a girl thats 6ft7
likesunusualwomen · 46-50, M
@askmyteapot Same here, talk about being very tall
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I am quite captivated by tall girls.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@FreakishlyTallGirl Maybe that is why I find it captivating because I rarely see it.
likesunusualwomen · 46-50, M
@Subsumedpat same here
wuiop2 · 41-45
@FreakishlyTallGirl Would you be interested in talking with someone who wants to get to know YOU, not just your height but isn't intimidated by your height?