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I Believe Barack Obama Is Dangerous For This Country

Obama's not doing anything right for this country. He wastes his time golfing and taking numerous vacations while our debt is growing and unemployment rates are skyrocketing. Obama wastes taxpayer money to fund tons of pointless programs and instead of cutting spending on all that stuff that doesn't matter, he's cutting the military. He's letting thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border and he acts as though he wants this to happen. He deserves to get shipped back to his birthplace in Kenya where he really belongs. (Or I'm assuming so until he can actually produce his birth certificate). Obama should have been impeached years ago as all he's done in office is prove that he's a traitor to America.
Deny under bush was 13 trillion, Obama has cut that almost in half to 7 trillion.

Unemployment went down from 12% under bush to 3.7% under Obama

Pointless programs? So I guess having cheaper healthcare and clean energies are bad? You need to get your shit straight then

Really? His immigration is a net 0. What does this mean? He's deported more immigrants then they come over the border, let me guess you heard of the children fleeing war torn areas and you want to send them back? They are refugees, we destroyed their homes on this pointless war on drugs
No, I'm saying your information is incomplete.
See above for the labor force participation rate.
What? Unemployment is at an all time low and labor am all time high, how is this bad?
My friend sent me this speaks volumes when it comes from other countries.

Canada 's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity. Of course we look like idiots… because we are.

10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans – 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!

8) Only in America .. could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be BIG tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the Media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

6) Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
Very well put. "The 1%ers" as they like to call them are paying 50% of the tax, but that's not enough? really?
I didn't write this! My friend who live's in Vancouver Canada sent it to me. She is more aware of our politics than we are. I agree with what you said though. I'm taxed at 39% I can't do more than that. If you add sales tax, property tax, gas tax, the list is endless it's probably more like 50%.....
There's tons of other hidden taxes depending where you live taxes on gas is well north of $1 per gallon when you add federal , state, city , county
Thank God you can't vote yet because Barack Obama has done a ton of good for this country
Not responding to your liberal crap.........that's the same sentence used over and over. That can and should be repealed as it doesn't apply in the situation we are in.
It is not a new situation, and was signed into law by a conservative whom I supported and voted for twice. It is as fitting then as it is today. I would also say the children are refugees. We tout ourselves as a Christian nation, but based on many responses here, we fail. We seem to be a nation of fear mongering racists who believe helping children is wrong.
Not going to engage sorry....
Can you give us more detailed statistics? Your post was blatant and it could be true, but without solid facts, you are just using small facts and emotion to determine Obama's progress. Be more research oriented.
The less the government is involved, the better. I think he should spend much more time golfing.
Yeah, at least when he is golfing he's not around to screw anything up, or break any more laws.
I don't think our current president is corrupt; I just think a lot of his views are wrong. And it is amazingly hard to retain order and freedom. Nothing's black and white, you know; there are multiple sides to the problems our government faces. Sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to see if it solves itself. There are, of course, exceptions.
... the government is not the solution to the problem it is the source of the problem...
Ronald Reagan
Ah, but don't we wish most of Obama's programs were, indeed "pointless". I would rather have a bunch of "pointless" programs that the stuff he has pushed in the past 5 years.
Well we might as well impeach everyone. No one has helped this country in too many years. Obama isn't a problem compared to all the fuck ups in America.
You're not old enough to have a well-informed opinion on that. Hell, you're not even old enough to vote, get married or drink. Skate off somewhere.
And Kenya? Really? That's not only racist but ignorant, because he HAS produced his birth certificate
not actually racist, but yes, uninformed
ALL the presidents have done this kind of stuff. You just aren't old enough to remember any of it.
You are wrong :) he's doing alot :) he's killing people everywhere just like George Bush
Pointless programs like public health care...?
In their minds it doesn't work
And on top of all that bullshit, HE'S BLACK.
What the hell does his race have to do with anything? Are you for real?
Wow you are one very smart young girl. You go girl keep it up.
You are a very uninformed young women.
Hey, do you want to be USA president?

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