HasselJack · 41-45, M
I can wear flip flops almost all year, but I never had an oportunity to wear birkensrocks
How does it feel to use them?
How does it feel to use them?
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
I love my Birkenstocks...they are so comfortable...you would like them @HasselJack. You are very fortunate to wear flip flops almost all year...lucky you!!😊
HasselJack · 41-45, M
@faithhopelovealways wow! Sounds very fine! ☺
CathyUK · 56-60, F
I am glad we don't get snow here very much
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
@CathyUK How fortunate!!😊
Alexandru1990 · 31-35, M
My favourite shoes. I wear flip flops all summer. I am.sad that now its winter and i need to wear boots and sneakers.
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
@Alexandru1990 Me too!!! Lol
vader2112 · 46-50, M
Where I am it's Sandals, Birks, and flip flops almost all year. Love it!
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
@vader2112 I am jealous!! Lol
vader2112 · 46-50, M
@faithhopelovealways I can't say I mind the view!
bijouxbroussard · F
Where I live there is no snow. Lots of Birkenstocks, though, and when the weather’s cold it’s Birkie clogs or Birkie sandals with socks.
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
@bijouxbroussard Lucky you!! 😊 Some wear socks in their Birkies in Autumn to stretch out the season.