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purplepen · 51-55, F
Watching Disney's Little Mermaid movie can make dreams like that.
SubjectOmega · 31-35, M
@purplepen Haven't watched anything like that in a long while. Or played anything either. Anything with ocean themes.
purplepen · 51-55, F
@SubjectOmega OK. I think you'd like it though. Under the sea...

I saw it when I was babysitting years ago. The octopus were holding tentacles and singing and dancing; it was soooo cute!
SubjectOmega · 31-35, M
@purplepen I still like that movie even so. Idk if it's my favorite disney movie, but it's definitely in my top ten.

Paliglass · 41-45, F
I had a similar dream once. I could breath underwater and was talking to dolphins thinking nobody is going to believe this - then I woke up

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