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I Had A Possible Supernatural Experience

Shortly after graduating from highschool a large group of my friends decided it was time for a house party. We all ended up at one of our houses a ways out of town, just off the highway. The closest neighbour was about a km away. There was a small amount of drinking involved, but none of us were getting drunk that night. For the most part we were sitting around the firepit or soaking in the hottub enjoying each others' company.
One of our friends had brought along her sister who was about three years younger than the rest of us. During that school year their father had had a suicide attempt and the sisters were having a pretty rough go of it. The older sister was still troubled but seemed to have gotten a handle on her depression and was on the right track, but the younger one socialised with "the bad crowd" and had begun to destructively experiment with narcotics. The main reason she was brought along was so her sister could keep an eye on her that night. None of us minded as we all knew her well and she was always regarded as one of the group, despite being in the junior high down the street.
At about 1 in the morning the younger sister wandered off. After a few minutes we noticed she was missing and started asking around. Someone had mentioned that they saw her walking down the driveway talking to herself. Our first thought was that she excused herself to go smoke something so we headed to the driveway to catch her.
Before we got very far we spotted her walking up the driveway and around the other side of the house. We intercepted her and asked her what she had been doing. She did not respond and kept walking, with a blank stare. We thought for sure she had smoked something, but there was no smell of whatever it might be on her. Her sister grabbed her arm and asked her what she had done. She walked by without struggling and kept going. She grabbed her again and screamed her name in her face, "Crystal!"
Crystal then paused her walk and with a surprisingly deep voice stated, "I'm not Crystal," then kept walking.
We reasoned that she had really gotten into the good stuff and for her safety, we should restrain her so she wouldn't wander onto the highway. Her sister knocked her off her feet and we all pinned her down. her face remained calm, but she struggled to get back up.
At the time I weighed about 280 lbs and that entire weight was on one of her arms. It was difficult to keep her down. I was amazed at her strength at this point. It took eight of us to hold her. The girl that lived in the house suggested we hog tie her and left to get some rope.
Crystal kept repeating in that same low voice, "I'm not Crystal."
Her sister finally asked, "Ok, who are you?"
She replied, "Korban. Let me go."
A couple in our group were raised with religion and had vivid imaginations. The whispers started changing from drugs to possession and people were starting to get truly worried. My best friend phoned his father, who was the pastor of a local church. He brushed the idea aside and told us to take her to the hospital.That idea started sounding better by the minute, however, we had trouble holding her in one spot, how would we get her to a hospital about an hour's drive away?
One thing that really bothered me about her is that she would never make eye contact with anyone. She'd look at you, but her gaze would slide right past your eyes. I knew her quite well, as we had had some pretty deep conversations in the past year and I was confident I would recognise if she was of her own mind if I could look in her eyes.
I got two other guys to take over duty on her arm and excused myself, stating that I was going to look to see if I could find any evidence of drugs at the bottom of the driveway.
When I got there, I opened my mind and meditated myself into a trance-like state, something I had done many times to allow myself to experience lucid dreaming. Only half believing I would get any kind of response I spoke aloud, "Whatever spirit has taken Crystal, I offer myself in her place. When I touch her, you will take me instead." I knew it was pretty foolish, but I didn't really think it would do anything.
Apparently my trance-like state looked exactly the same as Crystal's because when I returned to the group several of them started to panic, "Oh God, it's got him too! We're lost!" I was laughing inside, and wanted to reassure them that I was okay, but I didn't want to break my meditation.
As I knelt at the top of Crystal's head, a friend slipped something over my head. At the time, I thought that it was an eagle claw that he always wore around his neck, and I thought that he had done it to symbolically lend me his strength. During this time in my life my friends were a source of emotional strength, sometimes I felt literally. I toyed with the thought that I was a social vampire, able to tap into the "chi" of those around me. It disturbed me, so in case it was true, I only took small amounts from people, so to not make them feel drained and stop hanging out with me. That night, thinking he had given me permission, I drew everything I could from him, having felt his presence behind me, through his eagleclaw amulet. Later he would comment that the stress of the situation left him feeling drained and overly tired. Nothing that a good night's rest wouldn't help.
I sat on my heels and leaned over Crystal's face say, "Ok, I'm here."
She continued to struggle and slide her gaze away from anyone. I took a deep breath and placed my fingertips to her forehead. The second I touched her, she stopped struggling, bl<x>inked and looked into my eyes. At that instant, I knew she had returned from whatever had her.
I said, "She's back." and everyone then helped her to her feet. She was very confused and said that she had blacked out while sitting at the fire. She had no memory of walking down the driveway or anything that followed. We took her inside and made her some tea.
I turned to return the amulet to my friend and saw that he was still wearing it. I pulled the thing off of me and saw that it was actually my best friend's cross.
Several of the group were commenting that it was bad that she had a pentagram branded on her inner thigh and they were worried that this might have been real. I was starting to get a little concerned.
Later we asked Crystal if she knew who Korban was. She said she and three other friend had been playing with a ouija board the previous weekend and told the board to come out so they could talk to it. Aparently at that point Crystal had blacked out. Her friends told her that she started talking with a British accent and asked for a smoke. While smoking, she had claimed her name was Korban and had been trapped in the board for about a century. That summer, she had blacked out two more times, both times she had tried to push her friend off a cliff. She gathered her friends and they burn the board at the junior high. The soot marks never wash out of the sidewalk and if you squint and use an over active imagination, they look like a face.
Fast forward 16 years. I move back to town. I move into a little ba<x>sement suite with a girl I met online. Our try for a romantic relationship turns into a great platonic friendship. Turns out she's Crystal's best friend. Crystal got help for her depression and blackouts. She was on medication for a while, but was able to stablise her life and no longer needed them. she now has two children and is married to a great guy. She's happy. Every once in a while her four year old son mentions that he's been playing with his imaginary friend, "Shadowman," who lives in his parents' bedroom and is always asking about how Crystal is doing. Even at four this kid thinks its a bit weird that this shadow should be so obsessed with his mom.
My roommate tells me a story about how she is hanging out with the friends without Crystal and they visit the burn marks, The friends tell her about the night they released a demon. They all laugh about it until one of them goes berzerk and starts shoving another one around. They freak out and all jump into the car. They drive away wonder what just went wrong with their friend. About a block away from the school, the friend jumps out from the bushes and lands on the hood of the car, punching the windshield. They slam on the brakes and he flies off, hitting a mailbox. When he wakes back up, he has no memory of the entire thing. They can't figure out how he moved so fast as to get a block away before the car did. They all figure it was the demon and vow to never step foot near that bit of concrete again. They take the friend to the hospital for a concussion from the mailbox. My roommate had no knowledge of the events that I experienced, but she was convinced that the spirit of the ouija board had possessed her friend.
I'm still not entirely convinced that the whole thing was just a series of coincidences combined with a mental health issue, but it was certainly a night I'll never forget.

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