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How is a relationship built on a sound foundation?

JustNik · 51-55, F
My first thought was my oldest girl and her fella. Any unpleasant thought or feeling, big or small, gets brought up, acknowledged, and discussed and they somehow manage to do this sensibly. They are each self-aware and honest about their own flaws and issues and the roles those play in any difficulties, and I think a foundation like that can withstand a great deal. Even the effort to achieve that kind of communication could carry a pair far I think as it seems to me the desire might be more important than a perfect execution.

I did not expect any less from a lady, brought up by you ..

Well done, hats off … 🌹❤️
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
By starting and building a solid friendship first. You have to like someone before you can love them.
@sarabee1995 🖤🖤🖤

Oh absolutely …. 🤗🌹
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@sarabee1995 absolutely. I ended up going straight in with most of my relationships very fast and now I’m single 14 years cause relationships frighten me now over a bad break up I had .
I’d even give it a year or 2 with just friendships and then a relationship.
I dived in to fast and some of the women I was with were beautiful looking and ended up on my own cause I think there too painful .
There ok when your in it , but the pain comes right away after the break up .
You wouldn’t know how far in or your involved you be until the pain comes from a break up .
Your absolutely right
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I hope we are not talking about burying the ex in cement while constructing the basement? 😂

OK, silly joke.

I was about to delete it, when I realized that if you read it metaphorically, there might be some wisdom there. Part of building a solid foundation with someone new is to truly "put to death" trauma from past unhealthy relationships.

Man! I just can't keep myself from being profound! 😌
@DrWatson and you have to be vulnerable, which means taking down those walls to include in the foundation.

Lol … you’re a genius … 🤗🤗
Relationships take time and that's where people make the mistake of trying to rush them. A good relationship consists of good communication, trust, honesty, faithfulness, and treating each other with respect. Without those, there is no relationship.

Exactly …. Couldn’t have said it better …

PhilDeep · 51-55, M
I think people need to get past their childhood traumas and have some psychological stability before considering being in a relationship. Without that, foundation is rocky and it's just going to carry through to next generation as well if children result from the partnership. I'm glad I don't have children and I have enough honesty with myself to know not to attempt commitment. As far as recovery goes, I am likely to die trying.

You sound like a perfectionist here … with all the respect, perfection is the last thing a lasting relationship needs ..

Relationships need discover of each other’s imperfections, respecting them while working together towards changing them to a strength for both …

I think …
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
@Soossie It might sound like it from my posts on here. I'm concluding based on close to thirty years of trying despite my own imperfections and those of others and compassion despite them. There came a time for me when I decided enough is enough. At least when I make some progress with my own self-growth I can acknowledge and appreciate it alone, without it being shot down by others because of their own problems. Maybe I've just been unlucky, in which case I am glad for those who have not.

My dear friend …. I’m sure you are and have been more than good enough for a really good relationship … I’m so sorry that it hasn’t worked out so far … I hope it will soon .. 🤗🤗
Lots of good answers here .. I'd add effort. Its like a garden .. you gotta put in the care and effort to get a good outcome.

Exactly … I agree one hundred percent ..
deadteddy · 26-30, F
Forgiveness, respect, and compassion.

When we talk about forgiveness, then it means one of the two has broken the other one’s heart … that’s not good ..
deadteddy · 26-30, F
@Soossie True but not always. Sometimes we need to forgive our partner for small things because we’re humans and we prone to make mistakes. I’m not saying big mistakes like getting someone else pregnant..but when they forget your birthday or anniversary. Or when they say something they don’t mean it etc.

I understand … then forgiveness is an important pillar …
Open communication is a good start. With this, you can develop true intimacy of getting to know the other person deeply.

Love is not a state to reach… it’s a process of knowing and loving what you know about the other person.

Beautiful thoughts … love makes imperfections invisible or even better, lovable … 🤗🤗❤️
Well said.

Not invisible…. You’re correct…. You see it, you accept it…. And still love them despite of it.

Exactly .. 🌹
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
Trust and understanding.
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
@Soossie thank you

Thank you Baba!!
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
@Soossie you are welcome
Imma amend my list. The more I think about this, I agree with @CookieCrumbs that love is the goal to reach.

So it’s communication, trust, acceptance, and love. Open communication will lead to trust. Communication and trust will lead to acceptance. And finally, all of it will lead to love. Love IS all of it. 🖤

Indeed … yours and cookie’s comment are both up to the point … 🌹🌹
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
Trust, sincerity and love.

All are very important…
ArtieKat · M
@NerdySoph Trust was going to be my #1
Scribbles · 36-40, F

That really helps …
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
In my case, we both wanted to put more into the relation, than take out. A little like Kennedy and his ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. We both got extended educations, changed professions, cared for aging parents, raised and educated kids and supported then until they could take the training wheels off.. Maybe thats just us..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Soossie Actually at times its been quite "interesting". But its always been us against the world, because we wanted the same big ticket items in life..😷

Yet, you made it ….
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Soossie Yep. 49 years and counting..😷
Trust, love, and communication. Open communication is so important. 🖤

I agree … communication is the key …

So good to see you beautiful lady .. 🤗❤️
@Soossie ty, my beautiful friend. 🖤🤗
TexChik · F
A mutually loving relationship requires effort from both parties if it is going to last.

Indeed … I agree 100% .. 🤗🌹
With time. Taking the time to know and understand each other makes for a good foundation.

But some relationships end after decades …
@Soossie yes but that doesn't necessarily mean the relationship was bad. Especially if the foundation was strong. Sometimes people take different paths, especially when they want different things for themselves.
With a real friendship. Slowly and organically. But always with that knowing you can trust this person will build a place for you in their heart they won't abandon. Deliberate effort without needing praise. Being strong but also believing they care when you feel weak. Go through some ups and downs. Share and listen. Communicate verbally and intimately.

Touch her boobies every day lol

Lol …

But about serious part , I believe any two that can have a relationship like that will become each other’s soulmate …
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Is being absolutely up front about what you want out of life and No lying

True … built on informing each other of our needs, wants and requirements …
sasanack · 61-69, M
I always believed it started with trust , these days you can buy it and sell it very sad

Yes… very well said … 🙏
Honesty, trust, transparency, commitment.

Very true and very important .. 🤗🤗
@Soossie 🤗🤗
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
A sound foundation…is that when you both like the same music? 🤔

Lol … could be …
Commitment, compromise, communication

The three commands … 👏👏
pearllederman · 61-69, F
when its the right people building it

Very good point … 🤗🌹❤️
Raaii · 22-25, F
I've no experience about being in a romantic relationship so I was seeing and I agreed with everything that has been said here
Also I'll like to add honesty
Something based on lies n dishonesty wll break later easily mentally so honesty is really important 🙇‍♀️

I agree… and it seems that despite not having experience in this, you can easily build a sound relationship ….
Raaii · 22-25, F
@Soossie thank you 🙇‍♀️ in future I'll try to give my best to the one person I love
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The bricks of love?

Which are??
Convivial · 26-30, F
Be an audio engineer?🤔

Hmmm …. Lol
exexec · 61-69, C
Start with a deep love that cares for the happiness of the other party more than your own. That includes trust, forgiveness, and the other virtues mentioned by others.

Very well said …
Mutual respect, honesty, responsibility, consideration and kindness.
Little extras of mutual generosity and good will go a very long way.

I like this … it sounds like a good foundation …
Montanaman · M

I don’t know why I missed your comment but I’m glad that I saw it today … .. my apologies

This is a beautiful song … and I agree 🤗❤️🌹
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I can see your point …
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
It's simple. A guy makes a sick joke no one should ever laugh at. The girl laughs at it and has boobs.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
I should probably clarify. It'simple. A guy makes an inappropriate joke that no one should laugh at in a room full of people. One girl thinks it's funny and laughs at it. That's how good relationships are built. Being equally fucked up in the head.
Reflection2 · 36-40, M
Respect and trust are the pillars of foundation. One of it missing, the whole thing fell to ground.

I agree … respecting each other is very very important …
calicuz · 51-55, M
A sound foundation should be trust, faithfulness and communication.

Very well said …
Ynotisay · M
I think never lying is a good start. Putting your partner in front of yourself is another.

How nice and such a gentle act …
Friendship, communication, trust.
A little humor wouldn't hurt either.

Very well said… friendship is so very important …. So is similar humor … 🤗🌹
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
My gf and I are musicians, so there's that.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Neither of us have that, though we have good relative pitch. She's a singer, I'm not particularly.
@uncalled4 knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses is good in relationships and music. Light & love.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@DarkHeaven The same to you, friend! 🦋

All of them??

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