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Tyson Foods Loves Immigrants!

Corporations Love Immigrants. We have tried to tell you that for years, but many of you refuse to listen and understand that there are some jobs that Americans simply refuse to do. Working in a field and picking produce is one example. Working in a meat/poultry processing plant is another. These are backbreaking jobs.
There is a labor shortage for these jobs. So please stop with your anti-immigrant hate, especially for those who perform jobs that you refuse or are physically unable to do.

Are you familiar with Tyson Foods? Tyson Foods is one of the top four meat companies in the US, selling one out of every five pounds of beef, pork, and chicken eaten by American consumers. The company has been family-run ever since it was founded in 1931, with chairman John H. Tyson — grandson of founder John W. They also own Jimmy Dean Foods.

The latest from Scripps News:

Tyson Foods wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory jobs.
The food processing company wants to hire migrants who are arriving in New York for jobs Americans don't want.

New York City shelters are overwhelmed with migrants.

Many of them have arrived in Texas or Florida and then taken buses to New York, where shelter and benefits are guaranteed. However, the city is scrambling as the number continues to climb and the migrants look to build a new life in America, which includes housing and work.

But for companies like Tyson Foods Inc., struggling to fill unpopular jobs with a U.S. unemployment rate of 3.9%, this new population presents an alluring opportunity.

The food processing company wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory jobs, offering a starting wage of $16.50 per hour along with benefits. The company understands and is aware that these are jobs that many find unpleasant, such as washing meat, placing the cuts into trays, final inspections for bones and packing meat, but believe this will help the refugees to start a life in America.

For example, the company says that it has allocated $1.5 million a year for legal aid services and will be providing its new employees with temporary housing, on-site child care, transportation, a relocation stipend, and paid time off to attend court hearings and to adjust to their new homes.

The company joined forces with the nonprofit Tent Partnership for Refugees, a network of over 400 major companies committed to helping refugees find jobs, with the plan to hire as many people as possible from the more than 180,000 asylum seekers that have come through New York City’s shelter system. Tyson, for example, already employs about 42,000 immigrants.

According to an Economic Policy Institute analysis of federal data, about 50% of the labor market’s recent growth came from foreign-born workers between January 2023 and January 2024.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said last week that immigration and labor participation contributed to economic strength.

"The immigration that we saw was a notable factor of 2023 and 2024 economic outcomes, and of course we're aware of that, and it plays a role in our way of thinking about economic policy and in the path of the economy," Powell said.

While asylum seekers are not authorized to work as soon as they arrive in the U.S., they are expected to apply for asylum within the first year of their arrival and can receive a work permit 180 days after submitting the application. However, because of immigration backlogs, it’s taking some people longer.

So far this year, Tyson says they have hired 87 migrants from New York.

Do you support the US economy? Of course you do. Everyone wants our economy to be strong. So you can help by contacting your elected officials and demand that they fund additional judges so that immigrants seeking asylum can have their case heard in a court of law, and their fate determined, and provide the necessary resources to improve the process, so these people allowed into the country, can fill the jobs that you don't want.
I read your post.
1. You paint with a broad brush when you allege we are immigrant haters.
And there are many jobs Americans perform that are back breaking jobs.
No doubt in my mind that if all the asylum seekers there are any number too, who choose not to do back braking work because they ARE Skilled workers.

2. You say Tyson wants 52,000 workers. You cite the number of asylum seekers in NYC. But hired ( as of your post) only 87 out of NYC?

3. You cite Tyson. You are aware they laid off a number of people in Virginia. If they laid people off in that state, there is the possibility that the same thing could happen at other Tyson facilities. They are also heading to automation in a Virginia facility. I believe it is the same one that Tyson laid the people off from. I could be mistaken on that.

4. You cite the times involved with these arriving people to get applications seeking work permits and can do so within a year of arrival. What happens in the interim or if their request(s) are denied?

5. It is this administration that has permitted hundreds of thousands into this country. Don’t you think the administration could to help the economy , waived certain regulations? They sure did flying over 300,000 into the country.

It is interesting that if Tyson as short staffed as it was/is as per your post, that something couldn’t have been worked out with the administration and get these people Tyson needs, on the job.

A few things:
This administration has screwed up immigration.
They ( administration) has circumvented federal regulations and policies getting these people here, but because they have no idea of the ramifications, have caused massive problems in cities across the U.S.
Are you aware of what the mayor of NYC is doing? Here you go;
Many of those asylum seekers especially in NYC where 53 million dollars in debit cards are to be given to them and other major considerations they have been afforded as asylum seekers; the incentive for them to up and leave for some “ back breaking” work just isn’t going to happen.
Look at Chicago. I believe their mayor has offered about $9,000 per month to asylum seekers. You see an incentive to leave for some $16 or 17 per hour job which won’t be much after taxes despite the partnering you cited.
It would be great if these food processing Giants took in thousands of workers aka asylum seekers, but as I said , there are plant closures and layoffs, influx of automation to replace bodies.
And last item: Have you noted the number of food processing facilities that have met with catastrophic incidents? Fires, explosions, even planed crashing into them. And as well somewhat on the quiet, the large tracts of farm and cattle land that Bill gates has bought up?
Stop and think; your future steak might not come from Tyson foods , but from a laboratory somewhere.
JSul3 · 70-79
@soar2newhighs Point #1....Having been on SW for some time, I have read countless number of anti-immigrant posts, and I expect that to continue. Is every SW member anti-immigrant? No. The US is also sorely lacking in skilled labor and has been so for years.
Point #2....The article cites Tyson, not me. If you question the source of this article, a simple web search will provide many other sources on this topic for your reading pleasure. Point #3...The article cites Tyson. I add my comments separately. I am aware that Tyson has laid off a number of people in many states that they have facilities, not just VA. Tyson states their sales figures are down. Automation will continue to remove human labor from the equation, that is nothing new and it will continue. Point #4...Suggest you look at the number of folks Biden has deported. Not sure you mean application for job at Tyson or application for work permit or application for asylum. If it were me (and it's not) I would fast track the process, vet their background, and get them a green card so that they can go to work. Point #5....Suggest you review the number of people being deported. The 300k claim is false. You can read about the program and those folks are fully vetted by the government and they fly here on their own $. A recent immigration bill that gave Republicans almost everything they asked for, was torpedoed by Trump. Heaven forbid any positive legislation be passed when a Democrat sits in the WH, then they would lose a major talking point in an election year.
In any case, the flow of immigrants ebbs and flows. If the country was being invaded as many conservatives claim, I would expect to see invasion videos on Fox news, running 24/7. We are experiencing a humanitarian crisis around the world. The recent events in Haiti add to the problem. I expect a number of those poor souls to do their best to seek asylum here. As poverty, droughts and lack of water continue in the south American countries, more people will migrate north....that means here.

I am a vegetarian, so what Tyson produces and sells, is of no concern, as their products are not part of my diet.
twiigss · M
Couple of important things to note. They are illegal aliens, secondly there's not much we can do about it. Sure okay we'll call our elected officials and leave a voice message. Yeah that's not going to go anywhere. We could stand on a sidewalk for 4 hours holding signs walking around chanting, that's not going to do anything either.

All any of us can do is sit back and watch.

I've done emailed my elected official. Never once got a reply back from them.
JSul3 · 70-79
@twiigss It is unfortunate that you have given up.
Change is difficult. Look at the gridlock in Congress....can't or won't pass bills that the majority of Americans want passed.

I would hope you have some empathy and compassion for those who have a crisis in their homeland and simply seek a better life here.

If there were more judges, they could process more people and determine their claim.
twiigss · M
@JSul3 Don't get me wrong, I want change for the better. But as an ordinary US citizen, there isn't much I can do, other than email my local officials. I can't walk into their offices and demand change and expect it to happen the next minute. In a perfect world it would be, reach out to local officials, they acknowledge and respond to your concerns, solving the dilemma at hand and making change happen.

But that typically doesn't happen. I've sent several emails to my local officals with no reply's back. Matter of fact I believe I may have unsubscribed from the emails I get, just because they say things like, "Contact our office and we will reach back out to you" and they simply don't. I even contacted my local news station, all I got back was crickets. So if I put out the energy and I'm not getting anything back, then what's the point in trying? I'm not going to keep expelling energy for nothing.

But change is very difficult. And it seems like a lot of people in the higher up chain simply don't care. And it also depends on the situation. If a person who is one way does something to a person who is a different way then it blows up all over the news. But if there's a problem that's been going on for the last 5 to 8 years, and it doesn't really involve an individual, then it's like no one cares.

But I always go back to that one thing: There's nothing I can do that will influence an issue to change that I am concerned about. Thousands upon tens of thousands of people would all have to clamor for the same thing, for some issue to be addressed. Like the right-to-repair shops. Legislation was introduced because sooooooo many people, including elected officials were complaining how when their device breaks, they can't simply go into a repair shop, they have to buy a whole new device when it's just a simple fix. And see that is a perfect example. With right-to-repair, I don't know if change happened, but if it did, it's because it affected people who can make change happen. But if it's something that directly affects you or me, well we're just peons to them. We don't matter.

And I hate to say it like that, but that is the truth. That is why I say, if you're concerned about an issue with a corporation doing some shady thing, corporations are corrupt along with government. So right off the bat you won't see any change happen. What I mean by corrupt is, a person in a high power knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who gives money to the corporation to keep quiet, but it keeps happening. Until THAT stops (which never will) then change *might* happen.

It's all about money and power and evil. That's what it's about. The events you see and hear, I believe are real, but there are events that are distractions to take away from REAL things happening that we never ever hear about. The whole thing with Tyson, what's REALLY going on?? You won't even get the chance to find out because someone has already paid someone else off to keep the whole entire thing quiet.

That, is corruption, and that is the money, power and evil I am talking about. I would be very curious to see what this world would look like if money was never invented. I honestly think we would be a trillion times better off than we are today. Everything revolves around money. If in the next 2 years the world was in a dire situation and 1 full year of research could solve the problem, BUT, because money that research doesn't get done. If we were in a dire situation, money wouldn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter. But it does.

No, I don't do the whole conspiracy stuff either. These are my thoughts and my opinions. Sorry for the long long post, but this is just how I feel about most things.
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lasergraph · 70-79, M
Coming into the country illegally doesn't make you an immigrant any more that breaking into a house through the back window makes you a houseguest.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@lasergraph Oh, so they are still immigrants. Interesting.
lasergraph · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire Illegal immigrants.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@lasergraph Okay, so if I disregard the speed limit, does that make me an illegal driver? If I cross against the light, does that make me an illegal walker? Why are you defining these people's status based on one single thing they do? It's not even a crime, it's a misdemeanor.
Welcome to Capitalism.
Puppycat23 · F
Are you familiar with Tyson Foods?

I use to work there. In the site I worked, The conditions were horrible and security was laid back, a lot of bad could go wrong there.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Ofcourse they do. They work harder and less money without complaining than the existing residents.
Nelladell · 80-89, F
The last I read, the number Tyson wanted to hire was 56,000.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
This. Exactly this. Natural born American citizens don't want to do those jobs, because let's face it, guys. We've never had it bad enough that we needed to do them.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@specman I don't like to assume, because if you're anything like me, you don't always agree with 100% of the things your political party of choice does. But here's a partial list of programs your compatriots have voted against:

Social security
Food stamps
Housing for the homeless
Free medical care
He asked me or said so you support social programs. I don’t know what he is talking about I never said or implied that I liked that program

Because you're pretending the reason you oppose illegal immigration is because you care about the working-class.
I'm saying that you're lying, you don't really care about the workers, that's why you don't support social programs.
The truth is that you believe in the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory. You think the Jews are sending brown people to America to destroy Western Civilization.
Now I could debunk this conspiracy theory, but you don't really care about truth.
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@Spoiledbrat I mean move in together.

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