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Creatures I meet on my walks

Not the best pic of a hummingbird but it stopped to pose, so I threw that pic in. 🥰
I scared the baby squirrel. Didn’t mean to, but I’d never seen one before, so I took a closer look before leaving him alone.
Honestly thought the horned lizard was poo smeared on a rock at first. 😬
Killdeer always make me laugh, doing their little dances to lure you from the area of their nests.

Brief encounters with animals makes my day.
Woot. Good captures. My grill has been claimed by the rats that people think are cute.

Huh. Sw doesn't let me upload images anymore. Ah well.
@stound Thank you.

I didn’t have a problem with rats until the year my mom’s house got infested with them. (Part of the roof caved in, and they got in from there)
It was a nightmare. They freak me out now.
@Colonelmustardseed I call them rats, but they are chipmunks
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Oh. Weird, I guess I can upload sometimes
@stound Oh yes. They steal birdseed/chicken feed, and go after gardens. Less scary than rats, but still devastating.
Love these! Especially the grasshopper one! Great shots
@Colonelmustardseed I finally caught one for my kiddo the other day and it’s ridiculous how excited and accomplished I felt 🤣 I’m fine til they spit on you….🤢
@cherryxblossom I didn’t know the spit. Now they make me even more wary of them. 😅
@Colonelmustardseed haha, oh yeah…they’ll chew up grass and stuff and spit black stuff on you. Soooo gross!!!!
Mirage · F
These are great.
Brief encounters with animals makes my day.
I'm glad they bring you joy. I encounter most of the same on my trails.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Glad that squirrel was ready for a photo op. For me, they run away too quickly to take shot.
@TheOrionbeltseeker That’s a good thing, I think. It’s safer for the animals to be wary of us all.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
I can only take pics of crabs as they are too slow to walk out of the picture.
@TheOrionbeltseeker The lizards in particular don’t seem to want to move once they find a comfy warm spot on rocks or paths. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Nice , is this like Arizona?
@SW-User Close. It’s Nevada.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
@Colonelmustardseed this makes me miss my Hometown, Reno...err, rather the valleys outside Reno
@Colonelmustardseed do they go to the casinos?
Gee lady is there any creature you didn't meet?
@SW-User Moose. 🤔 Thankfully. They’re scary. But I forgot the coyote and bighorn sheep pics. 🙂
I don’t encounter them as often.
Lilymoon · F
Awesome pics... that last one is so cute. 😉
@Lilymoon Yeah. The poor thing. It was so tiny. 🥰
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Nice photos
@Ambroseguy80 Thank you.
Lostpoet · M
I love these 👍

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