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This is why I don’t add you as a friend

Sure, you’re decent for the most part, which shows you could actually value me as a friend to some extent. But you frequently message me when you know I’m drunk and aroused, and regardless if you know I am or not, you still try engaging me in sexual chats. I’m a sexual object to you first and a friend second. But you’re not the first and you sure won’t be the last…
Good instincts. Doesn’t sound like friend material to me.
@Ducky I tend to feel that the more people you have in your corner, the better. And returning the favor is a nice feeling too.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@OlderSometimesWiser I was trying to be funny. 😅 I meant I adore how beautiful my sister is and am obviously not sexually attracted to her, have straight female friends who I find downright beautiful but have zero other attraction towards. 🙃
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Ducky admiring and desiring are two different things
Red flag for sure. He doesn't need to be playing you, he needs to be more supportive and respect you for who you are. You are worth so much more
this has to be about a guy. girls don’t usually do this. definite objectification.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@DarkHeaven Of course… And good to see you again, chicken. ☺️
@Ducky 🦋🦋

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