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Litter is a big problem in my city

But the municipality came up with a solution: ask the national government to allow local governments to raise the fine for littering from €160 to €1000. Small detail: the past year only 12 littering tickets where handed out because enforcement officers focus most of their time on illegal parking.

Ok... Before asking for federal law changes, maybe you could start enforcing the currently available laws. That already helped quite a bit in other cities and if you're not going to give people the higher fines either, their effect will probably be very limited. 🙄
Matt85 · 36-40, M
1000 euros seems a bit extreme
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Matt85 @NerdyPotato I mean an official one, but okay. 🤷‍♂️
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire That's a shrug but better. Why are you complaining
But... That's nonsense... surely you don't expect them to get off their butts and do something about it too???

Isn't the threat of being fined so much enough to scare you into taking your litter home with you???
@HootyTheNightOwl the biggest problem isn't cans and sandwich wrappers, but furniture and appliances. Clearly all those lazy people don't feel like carrying that to the dump 5 miles away and pay €30 there. Who figured?
@NerdyPotato They're lucky... Here, we would get to the dump with it and be grilled on why we're taking it there in the first place - then, they might refuse to accept it and you have to go three miles in the other direction to try your luck there and if you don't look like you're about to burst into tears, they'll likely refuse it, too. Oh yeah, both now charge to take some items off you, too.

So then you have to pay £33 for up to 5 items (or £24 if it contains foam). Remember that old chair that fell apart on STBX??? Well... it's still sitting out in the garden because I can't be bothered with that and I don't have enough rubbish to swindle a free skip out of the landlord.
From what youve explained to people below, it seems its hard to enforce the fines coz you have to either catch the people doing it......or prove they did it .
Both seem difficult .

I dont think fines are going to fix it .

Around here, twice a year the council has two special rubbish collection days: its when people can throw out larger items like matresses, bikes, shelves, tvs, old lawn mowers etc .

And it seems to work.
(And this is a low income neighbourhood).
@OogieBoogie that would be much more effective indeed. Getting rid of those things is made a real hassle and that's why people don't bother. And I agree, proving it is difficult. With garbage there may be a forgotten address in there, but a wasmachine? I don't think they'll get permission to query all (web)shops to see if anyone in the neighborhood recently bought a replacement and I don't see how else you could track down the owner if it isn't caught on camera.
@OogieBoogie I tried to get rid of my bed last year the official way. So I made an appointment to have it picked up right outside my door and paid €30 euros. Then I got a call that I couldn't put it there and had to carry several 70kg packages 100 meters away, properly packaged, on Sunday evening. Having a disability and only having help on the Wednesday before was no excuse. If I put it out any earlier or closer to home, I'd be fined.

"Funny" thing: there are heavy, unpacked things right next to my door literally every week and they disappear too, and if you manage not to get caught, it's free that way. From that moment I fully understood why people put it there whenever convenient.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Fun fact. The "Don't Mess with Texas" slogan started out as an anti-littering campaign.
@LordShadowfire how things have changed 🥲
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@BlueVeins yeah, that kinda invites littering. Here we have garbage cans every 50 meters, but a lot of people just put their refrigerator on the street when it breaks, or their carpet and mattress when they move. 🥲

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