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Could you work as a funeral director preparing a cadaver alone in the middle of the night in the basement..

Poll - Total Votes: 18
If it was my job, yes, I could and would do it way.
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...of your silent Funeral Home with bodies in coffins upstairs in the viewing areas?
windinhishair · 61-69, M Best Comment
Sure. I would have no problem with it. Cadavers should be treated with respect and dignity on behalf of those that loved the person during life.

It wouldnt bother me. It's live people that make me ill.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SW-User Preach!
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
@SW-User Amen sister!
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
I problem. There is no person. Just a bag of bones who’s family pays a ridiculous amount of money to a makeup artist so people who have not cared about them, visited them or called them can look at the soulless brainless hunk of flesh and bones, cry and wail uncontrollably before they go to the restaurant or house party and forget about the person the next day. Just throw my body in the garbage can. Im not there anymore
Heartlander · 80-89, M
It's a risky occupation. Some people die of infectious diseases and undertaking would take special training.

Overall, you would be providing a special service. On a facebook group I belong to, someone had extended special thanks to a barber we all knew who had given his deceased dad a haircut so his dad would look more like his old self at the wake.

Whether in the basement or the attic wouldn't really matter. I think I'd be fine with it. But I'm very happy to be retired and would like to remain as such.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
No too vivid of imagination for that... If I heard one creaking sound I'd faint
TexChik · F
I got to help dissect a body as a student .
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
@TexChik that would be cool
TexChik · F
@Goodlatch it was
bowman81 · M
I could and would do it.....but it sure wouldn't be my first choice of occupations. I would have problems dealing with the grieving family members. It sure wouldn't be a cheerful work environment.

I have attended a number of autopsies and understand that while not pleasant, it is necessary work.
TexChik · F
@bowman81 For those that do it , mortuary science was a calling and they worked hard to get there.
TrashCat · M
Sure! Thats where you're garanteed to score
Absolutely. Corpses have no power. You fear what?
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
Funniest thing about this chain of messages is that when I graduated college, right after the Civil War, my university gave me an aptitude assessment. It said I should be a funeral director.
My first apartment was the third floor of a funeral home. Other aspects of mortuary work would not be doable for me.
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
@Mamapolo2016 I had a friend in college that earned his housing by occupying the mortuary overnights. It was a very cool place. Awesome place to party 🎊
yes, although i'd prefer to be working in the more ecologically friendly forms of undertaking
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
@SW-User Ashes to Ashes.
...funk to funky
We know Major Tom's a junkie
Strung out in heaven's high
Hitting an all-time low
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
I could do that while singing "The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play Pinochle on your snout"
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I would have an interesting playlist. Nothing produced past 1750.
Vin53 · M
Like what? Give an example. Preferably with harpsichord.

Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@Vin53 Bach or Scarlatti.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Nightmare job, literally?
Goodlatch · 61-69, M
@PhilDeep nah, at that point the soul is gone. Just a slab of meat and bones. No different than a butcher, just preserving the meat vs letting it rot naturally.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
@Goodlatch Butcher's also a nightmare job lol!
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Not into the body fluids, etc.
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It’s not a job I could perform under any circumstances.
Hell yeah
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'll be honest. I'm weird enough, goofy enough, and dark enough that I would probably have a conversation with them.

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