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Let’s go on a road trip

One of these days, I just want to get in the car and drive somewhere. Nothing planned but just hop on the interstate and go.

You’re welcome to join. But you have to bring good snacks.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
I miss doing spontaneous road trips, haven’t done one in 25 years. Hopefully that changes one day.
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
Doritos, beef and cheese, and m&ms work? I’ll bring homemade brownies if the ride includes a T-top and a cassette deck. My Milli Vanilli tape needs to see the light of day again.
Ynotisay · M
That's how my ex-wife used to take our vacations. Just pick a general direction and go. It's amazing what you can find when you're not looking for it.
itsok · 31-35, F
What does your driving record look like? Any wrecks? And tickets? ✍️
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@itsok You're driving 🤨
@itsok pristine. Except for that one ticket from the mall security cop for parking on the line. 😐
itsok · 31-35, F
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I'll get a buncha different kinds of trail mix and make ultimate mega trail mix.
dubkebab · 51-55, M
@Starcrossed Your mix tapes rule as well. Might as well stay parked without proper tuneage.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Awww thanks dubs @dubkebab 💗
WillaKissing · 56-60
Sounds like a prequel to an SW serial killer movie! And the next installment will be "With the right snacks I will let you go"!
Sevendays · M
I've done it, no destination, no schedule, no reservations.
My kinda adventure
Lilnonames · F
I do it all the time.. And I always have snacks

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