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Have you ever thought this

If I were gone tomorrow, would anyone truly miss me or know I was gone?
Carissimi · F Best Comment
I think most of us have had that thought at some time. Remember this, we all make a difference, even when we don’t know it. We are each part of the tapestry that affects others, and most of the time we never know it.
@Carissimi You are so welcome. Thank you for being a friend.
@Carissimi You're welcome, but you rightfully earned. 🌺✨
Carissimi · F
🤗 @ML2022

Blondily · F
Yes I'd be missed by loved ones
@Blondily Doubt it.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I was on a work sabbatical for 5 months a few years ago and people flocked me when I returned for weeks. I felt definitively missed even though I generally feel unappreciated at work. It was good to know that people missed me and since people have expressed to me at time how I have affected their lives in positive ways.
yes, I have
I now there are some that would miss me.. for sure,
but time will erase that

some say there are 3 deaths..
1 when you body dies..
2 When your people bid you farewell, in memorial or funeral
3 when you name is uttered for the last time

I am OK with this
Some will miss us but others will miss us for just a while and then we'll be quickly forgotten, I think. But Life goes on. If we can help one person while we're here that's great but hopefully we can help many.
Purplerain78 · 41-45, F
Unfortunately no one online really knows you but in your RL yes of course people would. Your family and friends.

If you're struggling with anything please do reach out. Don't suffer in silence!
@Purplerain78 yes it is and was just having a bad day when I wrote that. Offer goes both ways if you need to talk too.
Purplerain78 · 41-45, F
@Sojournersoul Thanks! Oh and yeah I can totally relate to the bad days. Gotta take the good with the bad. That's life!
@Purplerain78 yes it is. Thankfully more good days than bad but I am happy you reached out.
I think of it every day. I worry because if anything happens to me my son will have no one.
@SW-User Hope you can find someone to take good care of him.
Several times, the answer is always - 3 members of my family.
My sons, brother and parents would .. probably it
JovialMoose · 46-50, M
That sounds like a waste of mental energy.

I don’t really feel the need to be remembered one day or ten years from now. I made whatever impact I could… makes me feel at peace.
HannahSky · F
I would be very selfish doing that
@HannahSky I know with all the depression going on.
HannahSky · F
@Sojournersoul lots of gloom and doom here
@HannahSky I know. Way too much.
Try not to be sad for long. My grandmother used to there is always people worse off when I got sad, so I remembered that.
Plus strawberry jam on toast is lovely 😄
I understand that when my family ghosted and permanently shunned me on Sept 10, 2023, they had zero remorse at losing me. They're not grieving the loss.
I know a few people will.
Same people that I know would leave a void in my life when they’re gone.
@CookieCrumbs those are the ones I cherish
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Wow I was the 100th view of this. Occasionally I think of that and no one would really. Perhaps mainly my sister.
Iwillwait · M
I know for myself it would be days and days maybe a week or two before that would be possibly evident to anyone.
4meAndyou · F
Yes. I am reclusive, and don't make much impact on my new world.
i will off course miss u
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Yes, to be honest it does occur to me. It would matter to a few people but as I'm not working and have no dependents, the impact on most people would be small.
mainvane · 61-69, M
samanthaX · 41-45, T
If you chat with others regularly and then suddenly stop you will be missed and worried about my love 😘😘😘
samanthaX · 41-45, T
I would darling ❤️❤️❤️
samanthaX · 41-45, T
Yes tou would be missed 😘😘😘
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@Lilymoon Yes it is.

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