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Was there a lot of bullying in the schooll you went to? Did you get bullied?

I remember it being worse in middle school than in high school. There were definitely some kids who were "strange" in some way and became regular targets. Other kids would talk badly about them and just generally treated them terribly. I remember one girl (who was probably autistic; everyone "hated" her) and I had this deep conversation once about how she didn't want to keep getting in trouble all the time and be so disliked, etc. I'm not trying to sound like I was so great, but being able to talk to anyone, no matter how "unpopular" they were is something I was always good at.

Considering that I was a really small and shy kid (not to mention closeted), I think things could've gone a lot worse for me. The occasional teasing comment or being mocked in P.E. for being bad at every sport was essentially all I got. And by high school, that kind of thing had stopped.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Nah, it wasn't that kind of environment but more like the zoo kind of environment; people who'd hide in the closet until 30-40 minutes past the beginning of the lesson just to come out and claim they've just came back from Narnia; people (read: males) competing during the pre-gym at who could make the most realistic imitation of monkey sounds, or entering and leaving from the window, writing "CUCK" with the fingers on the dusty windshield of the principal's car, removing and hiding bicycles saddles.. that sort of stuff.

The target was the system, rarely ever other students. ✊🏻
@Elessar All fairly tame stuff then
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Ozymandiaz Yes, it's not that bullying doesn't happen here because it does but I'm under the impression that it is far more common and generally also more severe in English speaking countries than Latin ones perhaps. Then also here you occasionally can hear of bad cases where people end up having to change schools or getting their mental health severely affected, but generally those are rare and if they make into the news teachers', principals' or school staff heads start to (figuratively) get chopped off.
@Elessar A good way to deal with it. The buck stops with the principal
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Ozymandiaz 😞yes there was it was a thing in british schools when i went and i was bullied and i find that hard to forgive even today
@smiler2012 Sorry to hear that buddy 😞
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Ozymandiaz thank you
metaldog · 51-55
I got bullied till I fought then they stayed right away
@metaldog That is always the way.
metaldog · 51-55
@Ozymandiaz yep, all hot air
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Yes, but you got over it, it taught you not to be a weakling.
Yeah and yeah
@SW-User Shall we draw up a list and hunt them down? They wont even see it coming 😏
@Ozymandiaz bullies never win. One of them is actually chronically obese. Obviously I wouldn’t be so awful as to gloat about it ..but yeah she ate a few pies. 😌
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Yes, there was quite a lot. I didn’t get picked on too much then as I was one of the main bullies. I did get bullied at college/uni quite a bit.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Yes, a fair amount and it got spread around. And yeah, I was essentially the only kid who was mixed/black so I got a lot of racial jokes
Never really bullied but kids were being stupid sometimes. Bullies wouldn’t last long as they would have gotten kicked out fast.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
Not so much for me in elementary school and high school, but middle school was terrible.
@SubstantialKick Sorry to hear that 😞
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think we all go through it at some point.
Thankfully it never lasted long for me anyway.
@Picklebobble2 Yeah I think we do
Yup ..but I always fought back because fuck that ...
Not physically but with my words
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
was until I learned to fight and packed on about 20-30lbs of muscle...
Yeah I went to a tough school in the hood.
@latinbutterfly I think all schools have it to some degree or another
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
yes and yup
I wasn’t bullied bc I would quietly observe and laugh at their pathetic attempts to bully someone else, I would stand up for kids who were picked on 🫡
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I got bullied but there was a group of girls that were horrible. They picked on this new girl that came here in grade 7 constantly.

In Grade 11 she jumped off the dam in an attempt to unalive herself. I remember she wasn’t in gym class and we heard someone had jumped off the dam. I said what if it was her, and one of her bullies was in the class and she freaked out on me about it.

Of course I didn’t know for sure but we found out it was her. The reason that girl lost it on me is because they had a guy tell her he wanted to meet at the beach and her brother drove her out and no one ended up being there and she decided to do that.

It was awful, she knocked out some teeth and broke her leg pretty badly but she’s still with us. She married to her high school boyfriend and they just had their second daughter.
@iamonfire696 That is awful 😞
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Ozymandiaz Yah it was terrible. A 14 year old cousin hung herself because she was bullied in school and it crossed over to online. Her dad found her, that family has never been the same.

I don’t let my kids have social media and that’s one of the reasons. Kids are so mean and cruel.

I started doing shotokan with my dad at 8 years old. By year 7 ( 1st year of high school ) I was 5'11", 85 kgs & Shodan black.

My mates called me "The Enforcer " I hate bullys

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