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Why Do The Skeptics Take The Chance At Being Wrong When They Don't Have To?

Why is it so important to them to take that chance? Has their delusions been so real to them that, even though they have no evidence or facts to support their delusions, to stick with them? They keep demanding my brothers and sisters and I to prove that God is alive and His Word is Truth by pulling this burden of proof nonsense on us. Why can't they see the fact that, since God already has proven Himself to mankind by His Word and His Work, the burden of proof is on them instead of us?

They see the evidence but they will not accept it as evidence. They want to believe that this came about by some freak accident and allow the fairy tale of evolution to take over in their distorted thinking. What are they afraid of? Why do they run when faced with the Truth? Don't they know that God doesn't wish to harm them when they humble themselves and seek His Face?

It's certain that they are afraid of hell fire. They want to believe that hell doesn't exist. In order to accomplish this, they must also believe that God doesn't live, or even heaven doesn't exist. They'll probably read this and laugh and mock and ridicule, but, they'll never prove what they want to believe is true. Hell was not meant for man at all, it was meant for the devil and his angels. Unfortunately, a lot people believe that it was meant for man as well, which isn't true.

God hates this because letting some of His beloved creation enter into hell breaks His heart. People don't realize that when they enter hell, that they'll discover, what God already knows, that it's a place of torment which no man or woman could with stand.

Their heart knowledge seeks after the Truth of God and not the lies of men.

Again, why would skeptics want to take the chance at being wrong when they don't have to?
LadyGrace · Best Comment
Amen.... salvation depends on the heart experience of Jesus, not just head knowledge. Even the devil believes in God, but he's not going to heaven.
@LadyGrace So because I dare to question the word of a 2,000 year old heavily edited book, I'm a troll? People like you show clearly why Christianity started out as a cult.🤣🤣
@SW-User it's really a shame you're not looking for salvation and your childish, immature statements show that below:

If you truly believe this rubbish

Typical troll statements. Bye!
@LadyGrace It is total rubbish. How deluded do you have to be to believe unquestioningly something that was written by dozens of people 2000 years ago, and which often contradicts itself? Wake up!🤣

How foolish your troll, Chyavalon, is here. I refuse to entertain him. He clearly hates God and the truths of God. Then all of a sudden he pretends he wants to know about the authenticity of the Bible, after proclaiming it's nothing but rubbish. 🤦‍♀️😄 Whatever.

The Bible says that many believe, but so does the devil and we all know he's not going to heaven. It all depends on [b]what a person believes and why, that determines their eternal destination. That's what God said in His Word.[/b]
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@SW-User I am the living proof that The Bible is true. It has made my life happier which was downgraded. Lord has literally heard my prayers and I have written them down in a diary.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@CrystalSkull Was Mary Magdalane not a woman? There gave been women Saints. Saint Mother Teresa? Seek and you will find.
@TheOrionbeltseeker yes sure - one has to seek very hard. Look man if that’s your thing that gives you happiness, so be it. No one knows regardless. Not me not you. Thing is I can’t go for any religion that takes away women’s rights. Sure there maybe a few saints in the Bible and a virgin mother, of course. But there is also eve and prostitution stories and and abuse of women - and till today that affects how women are treated. And seen.
I think your trolls here, would do well to remember one thing, and it really says it all...

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
Your "subject matter" comes purely from the Bible, which is not a factual book.

I rest my case. No interest, just typical troll rubbish, only here to argue. Bye.
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@CrystalSkull Bye sweetie. 🙋‍♀️😂
You premise is false and appears to be yet another refrain of Pascal's Wager.

Atheists aren't taking a chance as if it is a deliberate gamble nor are they demanding anything unreasonable.

The simple fact is that the Atheist is unconvinced by the arguments and evidence that the Theist brings to the table.
The Atheist can no more decide to be convinced by that which they find unconvincing than you can.
In the same way that you could not make the choice that you believe Santa Claus is real.

It's quite simple.

I've told you where you messed up and how....let it go.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I've told you where you messed up and how....let it go.

I already have. It's you that wants to keep it going with your nonsense, Pikachu.

My dude, you made your choice...just let it go at that...
DocSavage · M
If your god is indeed all loving and all knowing. He understands why we’re skeptics. Our doubts are justified, why would he want us to lie, when he knows the truth ?
It's not like it's a binary choice between Christianity and atheism. You're taking the same chance if Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism or even a different denomination of Christianity is true. Imagine us both getting to heaven and finding out that Shinto is the one true religion and we're both in trouble.

Also, it's not like someone can force themselves to believe something they consider absurd. You can't force yourself to not believe in God, so it's hypocritical of you to ask why non-believers don't force themselves to believe. It's not like that would work anyway. Would God be fooled by false belief? Are you saying if I force myself to sit in church every Sunday, mumbling the hymns and checking my watch every few minutes, I'll go to heaven? It doesn't work that way.

Just curious, if you were wrong about Jesus, would you want to know? Or would you prefer to live in ignorance of the truth? It's a hypothetical question, I'm aware that you don't think you're wrong. I'm just asking if you would want to know if you were.
DocSavage · M
God, who was never made up, is another.
Prove that the thousands of other gods throughout human history are not alive. Since god are never made up, there is now no reason not to believe otherwise.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I don't have to prove a negative. You're making a positive claim,

You're going to have to if you want the truth to come out.
@GodSpeed63 OK, I'll prove God doesn't exist as soon as you prove the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist.

I actually can prove that the God proposed by William Lane Craig's formulation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument can't logically exist. However, I'm not going to waste time explaining it unless you're familiar with Craig and his arguments. But if you are familiar with it I'll be glad to explain how it and other evidentialist arguments are wrong. Then we can look at presuppositionalist arguments if you want.
@badminton The most common way God communicates with us, is through the quiet spiritual promptings of the Holy Spirit, which speaks to our hearts and minds and even our God-given conscience, tells us the difference between right and wrong. Jesus said the truth sets us free. And it does, it sets us free in body, mind, soul, and spirit. The Holy Spirit's job is to help us discern the truth.

Not one person in the world could have convinced early pioneers that one day a machine would be built that would allow man to fly 50,000 ft in the air, so we can't rule things out, just because...
I guess because they just don't care. Some do but then some are just here to argue. It would help if they would first read their Bible, before they answer, because some things cannot be just taken out of text with just one scripture. The history of what was written, the time they were written, and the context they were written in, means everything.

I appreciate the hard work you put into this post. It really is wonderful. I love the posters you presented. They are so true and amazing!
Oh, so true. Hell is not full of people whom God rejected; it is full of people who rejected the only plan that could have saved them, God's Plan of Salvation, and that is so sad they missed it. God never rejects anyone. John 3:16 and 17 confirms that. Jesus never came into the world to condemn the world or he would never have died such a horrible death on the cross! His only mission was to save the world, not hurt us!
Their heart knowledge seeks after the Truth of God and not the lies of men.

I love that, because the heart is moved, when the Holy Spirit of God speaks to us, truly wanting to seek after the truth of God and not just head knowledge. Our Spirit longs for fellowship again, with our Maker.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Who says skeptics are wrong? That's just your opinion
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Okay I can respond now as I have time, I was talking about lady grace who since blocked me but she couldn't answer the simple question of bible being magically written by god. Did god just write everything in heaven and somehow poofed it into stores and weird motel rooms or what? Somebody had to write the bible "for" this god of yours correct.

You're sadly mistaken and don't know your history. God wrote His Word over periods of time, about 4000 years through holy men of their time. It's been translated into English in the 1600s by holy men of that time and was not permitted for anyone to read until a hundred years later. Look it up.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@GodSpeed63 That's just the thing tho "through holy men" so you're admitting that the bible was written by people hearing voices which is indicative of schizophrenia. Tho I'm not judging.
Right. Hell was not made for people. There was no sin in the beginning.

Lovely photographs of nature. Thank you.
This is not only about skeptics, this is about anyone who refuses to listen to the only One that can save us in this world, Jesus. Not all are skeptics. Some are just not knowledgeable about God and salvation, while others cannot make up their minds, one way or the other. There could be many reasons why people put off taking care of their soul.
DocSavage · M
A better question is : why do believers worry so much about an all loving god ? As long as you behave yourselves, god isn’t going to just throw you into a lake of fire for eternity without a good reason, is he ?
DocSavage · M
But it’s not only Atheists and skeptics that reject Christ. Every other religion past , present, and future that isn’t Christian, all are valid to those who practice them. So your question would have to apply to anyone not Christian. Why does your god accept tolerance of other religions when he knows others will be going to Hell through no fault of their own ?
redredred · M
@newjaninev2 I believe it was Twain, Mark not Shania.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@redredred Yes, you're quite right... thank you for the correction 😀👍🏻
You criticize burden of proof without having a clue why it exists. It's meant to keep garbage out of our thoughts. Nature and cessation are two ordinary, easily confirmed things. Magic and afterlife are extraordinary, much harder to confirm things. You want to promote the extraordinary: magic and afterlife. The onus to prove is therefore on you.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You criticize burden of proof without having a clue why it exists. It's meant to keep garbage out of our thoughts.

Which is garbage to you?
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
It's not a matter of not wanting to believe in the Abrahamic God, it's being unable to believe. An invisible man who lives in the sky and has magic powers is just not a credible thing for any emotionally mature adult to believe. When I was a little kid I thought God was just a story adults told to kids so they would behave. Like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. I never thought adults actually believed such a story.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
One can't FORCE oneself to believe anything. One can pretend to believe things, but that's not actually believing.

People have the right to believe what they wish but often neglect the other side of the coin which state that they are responsible to believe in the Truth of God rather than the lies of men. As long as you're alive you have that choice.
@badminton Totally understandable. It doesn't seem very feasible does it? But when you think about it, who would have ever thought that a human being could grow another human being inside their body and bring another being into existence? Haha I mean that's really wild when you think about it. Yet...it is nothing short of a miracle. There are many many things in this world that we cannot see, yet exist. There's no denying that. We see the results don't we? Just like when we see patterns of stars in the sky that make up things like the Big Dipper, etc., that shows God's handiwork and creativity. And the way all of the stars and planets are lined up, shows us that God loves to create and loves beautiful things. The way the son, moon, and planets just hang in space, shows us God loves order and if it weren't for God, as fast as this planet is spinning, we would have surely hurled off into outer space and destroyed. But we don't even get dizzy. Now that's a miracle. We can't see gravity yet we see the effects of it just like we see the handiwork of God in this world in the beautiful mountains and trees. In the intricate detail of snowflakes. That shows God as our great designer and nothing that Evolution could have produced. And adults do believe it. Just because He is invisible to us right now, does not mean he does not exist nor that he is not alive. How can we deny his existence when we see the proof of it, like gravity and air and the equator? Look in the mirror. Even you are a miracle. The farthest fetched thing to believe, is that one could come into existence from nothing. I think we're smarter than that! Hard to believe that all the beauty that we are surrounded with, just "happened" by accident; forces colliding together and making this beautiful intricate world. Now that's what's unbelievable. In fact, it's and insult to our intelligence.

The Greek word for “truth” is aletheia, which refers to “divine revelation” and is related to a word that literally means “what can't be hidden.

Scripture tells us that God gave us His Word for the specific reason that it is pure and trustworthy, it will never lead us astray, and that He gave it to us ,so that we wouldn't have to guess about all these things. Stray from God's Word and guidance and that's when we get into real trouble.

I wouldn't have loved and followed him for the past 51 years now, if I thought Him and His Word were not trustworthy, but I have definitely found they are. When I asked Jesus to save my soul, I had no idea whatsoever, that He would send His Holy Spirit to live in me and guide me through life. And since I had no idea that such a great and profound transformation would take place, you can see that I was not expecting it. It came as a complete surprise, that upon asking Jesus to come into my heart and my life to be my Savior, and to forgive me of my sins, that He instantly placed His cleansing Holy Spirit within me.....just as He promised to do in His Word. His Holy Spirit cleanses us of our past sins and eradicates them from our life, freeing us, bringing with it, peace, love, joy, and BECAUSE His Holy Spirit is all those things, when His Spirit touched mine, it started a transformation of my entire life, and gave me a brand new life in Christ, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in this world! So there's no guessing on my part, whatsoever, that Jesus is real and saves souls, and that was the purpose for His coming, to save our souls from the condemnation that sin placed on us and get us ready for the afterlife. When Jesus saves, He takes all our past sins and erases them from our life, so that we can start a brand new life in Him, just as if we had never sinned! The Holy Spirit's job, is to transform our lives and our spirit, to get us ready for heaven. And when he does that, God remembers our sins no more and we are now brought back into fellowship and right standing with God the Father. We are promised eternal life in heaven, just as God's Word says. And God never breaks a promise.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
And God never breaks a promise.

Amen, sister amen. They can deny the Truth of God all they like but they can't make it go away, let alone make Him go away.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@CrystalSkull Do you think that only in Christian nations, women are suppressed? Women in South Asian countries are not even allowed to speak their heart. Women in Muslim religion are to be kept in black covers.

It is not because of inequality but it's because women are less powerful than men. So women are dominated in certain spheres. Outer features of a men and women is different. Now, a days women are getting the vibe of feminism because by brain, both men and women are equal. But in shear strength, men appear to be on the + ve side.

Till the time women won't be physically as strong as men, they may get wrong treatment. Probably it's not just human but you see a lion and a lioness. Lion is the king of the pride and not the lioness. So, it's a natural thing.
@TheOrionbeltseeker yes I know women are oppressed all over. Religion just makes it justifiable. Lion may be king but it’s the lioness that does the hunting.

Feminism vibe isn’t a thing of nowadays.
You are certifiably insane. And if there's one thing I can't stand it's people like you who try to force their beliefs on others.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
And if there's one thing I can't stand it's people like you who try to force their beliefs on others.

Where'd you get that idea from? One could say that you're certifiably insane. I'm doing no such thing.
@GodSpeed63 Your whole post is one long polemic against non-believers (of Christianity) and why Christianity is the only true religion, "proven" through quotes from a heavily edited book and tired memes.

Take your deluded insanity and leave this site.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Why Do The Skeptics Take The Chance At Being Wrong When They Don't Have To?

because only the profoundly ignorant are certain that they are right.
redredred · M
He’s just another “cross-lout” thinking he’s mastered life by grabbing onto a bronze-age superstition. @newjaninev2
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@newjaninev2 @redredred
because only the profoundly ignorant are certain that they are right.

So, stop being ignorant of God and His Word, you two. Get to know God on a personal basis and learn from His Word about life and yourselves. Then, and only then, will the Truth of God set you free.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 You first need to establish that there is a compelling necessity to even postulate the existence of your god.

Until you do that, all you're offering is wishful thinking and convenient fictions.
redredred · M
There’s just as much chance that RonaldMcDonald is the ruler and creator of the universe as there is your god is. It’s a stupid, childish superstition. Grow the fuck up.
redredred · M
@GodSpeed63 Do you believe in an invisible entity that you believe created everything?

That’s a yes-or-no question, answer it or admit you’re only involved in deception.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
That’s a yes-or-no question, answer it or admit you’re only involved in deception

I already did and you're the one involved in deception being that you can't prove anything you believe is true.
redredred · M
@GodSpeed63 it’s yes or no question. All else is your brainless attempt at deception
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
If the living knew what the dead know, the whole world would follow Jesus

Very profound!!
Very true!!
DocSavage · M
If the living knew what the dead know, the whole world would follow Jesus
Whose your Necromancer ?
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
I prefer to not believe in contradictory fairytales that have bred centuries upon centuries of hate and prejudice.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
Blaise Pascal argued this very question, and advised us to place our bets on God.😉
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@onewithshoes They were wrong, the wager only works if your religion is the right one as Pascal's Wager was originally set out to prove Christianity logical. Going back through historical writings of Christianity starting out as a cult before it took over as a main religion, evidence indicates that their religion wasn't just "always" around," and "always there" like it poofed itself into existence.


Choose a group of self-described Christians and call them Group A.
Group A believes that Jesus was the son of God, he died on the cross for our sins, and only through him can we go to heaven.

Choose another group of self-described Christians and call them Group B.
Group B believes that Jesus was the son of God, he died on the cross for our sins, and only through him can we go to heaven.

Given: for every Group A, there is a Group B that firmly believes that Group A is going to hell.

As a result, the statement "a rational person should wager as though God exists" is meaningless, unless you first define to which group you're referring.

There are a great many logical fallacies in how the Wager is applied. Often the Wager is suggested as some sort of proof or last-ditch argument for God. But since it was embedded in the Pensées, which was Pascal's life project to defend Christian thought, it seems unlikely he intended for the Wager to stand alone. Whether anyone would be convinced by such an argument seems not to be the main thrust of Pascal's formulation of the Wager.

The very introductory statement to his argument shows that Pascal concedes that God cannot be proven in the Aquinian sense:

If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible, since, having neither parts nor limits, He has no affinity to us. We are then incapable of knowing either what He is or if He is. This being so, who will dare to undertake the decision of the question? Not we, who have no affinity to Him.

Who then will blame Christians for not being able to give a reason for their belief, since they profess a religion for which they cannot give a reason? They declare, in expounding it to the world, that it is a foolishness, stultitiam; and then you complain that they do not prove it! If they proved it, they would not keep their word; it is in lacking proofs, that they are not lacking in sense.

It makes more sense to view Pascal's Wager as a precursor to Alvin Plantinga's Warranted Christian Belief. In contradiction to Cartesian skepticism, we are free (even compelled) to act on beliefs that we cannot prove from first principles. Any reasonable reading of Pensées would conclude that Pascal is not trying to take the risk out of choosing the Christian faith. Rather, he was defending the faith from the charge that it is irrational

The logical flaw is that he ignored a third possibility. Essentially he assumed that either there is no God, or there is a God who will do something good for you if you do some set of positive actions or, at worst, will do nothing. The third possibility is that God is evil or just backwards, and does good only for those who disrepect him or don't believe in him or spend their lives convincing people to hate him, etc., and punishes everyone else. "Bad God" is just as probable as "Good God" without any other assumptions, so it makes no sense to believe that one or the other exists.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
DocSavage · M
Skeptics can put up just as many as you can. You proved nothing.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Skeptics can put up just as many as you can. You proved nothing.

WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
What is gods purpose for malaria?
DocSavage · M
God is alive and His Word is Truth by pulling this burden of proof nonsense on us. Why can't they see the fact that, since God already has proven Himself to mankind by His Word

And yet you still can’t come up with one piece of that proof that hasn’t been debunked and disproven. We’re just supposed to take your word for it, and ignore all evidence against it.
Did it ever occur to you, the reason we’re skeptical, is you ?
Feel deeply ashamed for wanting reasonableness and testable evidence - for only then might we successfully dangle a carrot and wave a stick in your foolish face.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Yeah, I prefer actual truth over God's truth.

What do you call actual truth?
@GodSpeed63 You wouldn't be interested. It's that which reasonableness and testable evidence can discern regarding reality - especially afterlife.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You wouldn't be interested. It's that which reasonableness and testable evidence can discern regarding reality - especially afterlife.

What you call actual truth, I call the lies of men. There's only one solid Truth in this world of ours and that belongs to God and God alone; and to whom He shares it with. Lady, it seems to me that you left reason a long time ago. God is the Author of science and ordains it to us His creation and how He's made it all work. Like it or not, science points to God. His Word says that He made the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. His Word is the only solid Truth we have.
DocSavage · M
Since it is impossible to know which religion is “true” there is no right or wrong choice. You roll the dice no matter what you believe.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I only worship @ProphetOfFarblesnozz because everything else is a false idol.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Wrong about what?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@newjaninev2 @LordShadowfire @DocSavage
My question came first. Now answer it... or just simply run away as you always do (and take your little magical entity with you)

Read the post, you'll find your answer there.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 I'd rather find your answer right here
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 but you won't answer, neither here nor anywhere else, will you... because there's no basis to your claims. You make them knowing full well that they're deceptive and self-serving.

Again: Wrong about what?
Would you give up your salvation if it meant an atheist could come to god and be saved?

lol you can just say no, you would not trade your salvation for someone else's.
You don't have to be ashamed of being selfish in that area.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
you can just say no, you would not trade your salvation for someone else's. You don't have to be ashamed of being selfish in that area.

That's what you don't understand. Jesus didn't teach us to be selfish.

Jesus didn't teach us to be selfish.

Ok. Would you trade your salvation for that of the atheist/skeptic if that was the only way they would be saved?
misery loves company..
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burden of proof nonsense

you would want that if you were accused of a crime
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
you would want that if you were accused of a crime

Are you admitting that you committed a crime against God?
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@GodSpeed63 no,, i am suggesting if YOU were on trial. you would want
there to be the burden of proof involved
walabby · 61-69, M
@walabby Mr. Wallaby, please. You don't have to listen to what anyone says here, but I'm hoping you will at least listen to what God says, because what is in the Bible about salvation, are not suggestions. Our soul lives on, and it's up to us to determine where it shall spend eternity. And this is not just directed at you. We are all in the same spiritual boat, in need of salvation. ❤️🤗
ProphetOfFarblesnozz · 51-55, M
Blasphemer! Fool! Blind imbecile! Can you not see that every time you embrace the false god Yahweh, you are angering our true creator, Farblesnozz? You will be condemned to the dirt mines of Schmickleton for eternity for your blasphemy!

But it is not too late, my child! Repent now, and beg Farblesnozz for His forgiveness. For He is a loving god.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Okay. Here's what you can do to convince me.

1. Show me this empty tomb you keep going on about.

2. Prove it once held a person.

3. Prove that person was named Jesus Christ.

4. Prove he was dead when he went into the tomb.

5. Prove he wasn't dead when he came out of the tomb.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Okay. Here's what you can do to convince me.

Okay. Here's what you can do to convince yourself of the Truth: Get saved by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 Nope. That ain't how it works. You're the one making the positive assertion. If you really care about my immortal soul, as you pretend you do, you need to do what I asked. Nothing short of that will convince me.
@LordShadowfire Not to mention determining death accurately is very recent. In the 1800s they even still had graves with alarm bells the occupant could ring if they were buried alive. People who were pronounced dead coming to later was relatively common. No divine intervention required.

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