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What Is So Offensive About Saying, Husband & Wife?

Methodist Church: Ministers Should Avoid Saying “Husband” and “Wife” Why?

“A person shall leave their parent and their parent and hold fast to their partner, and they shall become one flesh.” You might be wondering what on earth that supposed “translation” of Genesis 2:24 is for! Well, that’s how I imagine a minister in the UK’s Methodist Church must have to read that passage now (if they read it at all!) because the church has issued a guideline encouraging ministers to avoid “hurtful language” like “husband” and “wife” and other gendered terms.

Now, of course, Scripture, from the very beginning, is filled with “gendered” language. In the creation account, we’re told that God created male and female, and then the use of language throughout Scripture mirrors and fleshes out the biblical truth that there are men and women, boys and girls—and that’s a wonderful thing! It’s part of God’s “very good” (Genesis 1:31) design.

Will some people be offended by the biblical truth that God created male and female and designed marriage for one man and one woman for life? Yes, some will be—but the truth is offensive to sinners! Jesus was called the “friend of sinners,” yet he never watered down his message or excused or explained away sin in order to be less offensive. He loved people (loved them enough to die on the cross for their sin!) and boldly and consistently called them to repent. We, as his people, are to do the same thing. And we are warned not to add to God’s Word!

The way to bring people to Christ is not to water down biblical truth or adopt a supposedly “Christianized” version of the thinking of our day. The answer to reaching people today is the same as it’s always been—boldly, uncompromisingly, with authority, and lovingly proclaiming God’s truth (the whole counsel of God) to all who will listen, while trusting that God will produce the growth in the hearts of men and women.

by Ken Ham on January 8, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

CuriousCutie · F Best Comment
Its offensive because it brings conviction, which people do NOT want to face up to.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@CuriousCutie Ok, now I get it. I suspected that it was something to do with this but wasn't sure. I can't believe that you folks are tip toeing around this matter. Are you afraid of being offensive? Those who are condemning you aren't afraid of offending you at all! They are pushing you and you are not pushing back at all. Perhaps, you people are being Christlike. Jesus just turned he other cheek when struck. I respect that and regard that as the morally correct response, one that doesn't play into the hands of violence and evil. However, being meek when facing false accusations is not Christlike. Jesus wasn't meek at all when confronted by those who accused him of breaking "the law" (of Judaism). He faced them (Pharisees and scribes) down and debated with them about what morality was all about. And now the gays, liberals, and politically correct politicians are taking you on. They are redefining marriage based on their perception of the Christian sacrament uniting man and woman.

How would Jesus take them on in debate today? Do you guys have a clue? They have their scribes and Pharisees (academics and intellectuals) framing their knowledge-based anti-Christian argument for them. Jesus would use God-given intelligence.
@sree251 i have learned that i have no power to change others. I dont engage with them. You should know by now that people do what they want to in life, not what we want them to. If they wont listen to Gods Holy Spirit trying to convict them, they sure wont listen to me! They will acknowledge their sin one day to God. I just hope for their sakes, its on this side of eternity, and not at Judgement.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@CuriousCutie You said: "i have learned that i have no power to change others. I dont engage with them."

I don't think it is a matter of lifestyle choice. You are viewing God's commandment to live a life in a state of grace as a matter of choice. This is exactly what they believe. If it is a matter of choice, then God is relegated to that of a brand of spirituality. This is the politically correct way to treat religion. If you accept that, then you have been conceded to the rule of Caesar and place him above God.

I've never heard of such nonsense. I don't know what Minister of God, would ever say such a thing. This just goes to show you how this world is getting further and further away from God and his teachings. Good post, brother! I love Ken Ham's message! Right on!!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Only offensive to those who would love to destroy the traditional family unit. They help to strengthen society and they can’t stand it. They want to create societal weakness and stage a revolution to replace the government with one that combines the elements of Communism and Fascism.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@LadyGrace yes he does. His time is short too
@cherokeepatti oh it sure is. Very short!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti @LadyGrace
oh it sure is. Very short!

Amen sisters, amen!!
Adstar · 56-60, M
The only advise i can give is to get out of any church that seeks to take away from or add to the world of God or change the Word of God..

Really i should not be required to give such advice.. Christians should know this for themselves to leave such a religious organization..
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Kygirl · F
I have met Ken Ham several times in Waukesha Wisconsin at The World View Weekends that was put on there by WVCY. I live near by the Ark here in KY. He loves The Lord and well schooled in God's word. If I'm not mistaken he home schooled his children.
I think that you did an excellent job with your post and it's a great day for God's people to speak out and planting the truth of God's love and grace.
TexChik · F
If the UK Methodist church is going woke, then they no longer represent God.
Nothing offensive about it at all
Methodist Church

What a surprise. Their 2023 UK Christmas ad was pathetic.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
Nothing at all.
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Wow. You really do drink that Old Testament Kool-Aid, don't you, Sparky?

Can't you do better than you have been, James?
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Can't you do better than spouting bullshit without providing any evidence

Show me that God doesn't live and you'll have evidence that He does live.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Just goes to show how corrupt things are in these last days, even the churches.

Check out the videos on this site:


Especially you Godspeed; I think you are one that will really appreciate them!
Don’t offend me..
screw the heathens…
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout He called the Pharisees a den of snakes. I think that’s when they decided to off him….which just fulfilled one of the Messianic prophecies in Psalms.
DocSavage · M
There was a fourth nail ?
Those Romans were mean bastards, weren’t they.
@DocSavage efficient
Adrift · 61-69, F
This passage was said during my brothers wedding ceremony.
I took it as they leave their parents homes and become as one unit independent of their parents.

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