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Two Big Bangs?

How did the universe begin? The average evolutionist will immediately reply with “a big bang.” But that story might be changing (no surprise—evolutionary ideas change frequently, as we’ve documented time and time again!). A new hypothesis suggests the universe began not with a big bang—but with two big bangs, “one for ordinary matter and another delayed one for dark matter, originating from a separate form of energy.”

This new hypothesis is an attempt to answer “two cosmological mysteries”:

The first is understanding in detail how the Universe came into existence. The second is the nature of dark matter, a substance which is thought to be far more prevalent than all the stars and galaxies in the Universe.

Now, no one has observed this “dark matter”; rather, its existence is inferred based on some unusual phenomena in the heavens (you can read more about dark matter from a creation worldview in this article by astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner). But how was this hypothetical matter created? Well, perhaps, according to these scientists, by a second big bang creating vacuum dark energy “which became the origin of dark matter.”

Reading through the popular science summary of this new hypothesis feels like reading through an explanation of the science fiction behind some new superhero movie! It reads exactly like fiction—one big bang produced energy which eventually, somehow, formed all the matter in the universe, and then maybe a month or so later, a second big bang created a different form of energy that formed a different kind of matter. It sounds like fiction because it is!

When I saw the headline reporting on this new paper, my first thought was that Christians who compromise God’s Word with the big bang will now have to modify the Bible again to fit a second big bang in somewhere! After all, the Bible doesn’t teach one big bang, let alone two!

Now, I have some Christians tell me, “The Bible does teach a big bang—God said, ‘Let there be . . .’ and bang, there was!” But the Bible doesn’t just say, “In the beginning, God created,” and then leave it up to our investigations and imaginations to fill in all the details. Rather, God gave us a detailed description of exactly how God created—by the power of his Word. God spoke, and it was . . . and everything appeared in the order God commanded it to. This is important because the big bang and the Bible contradict each other when it comes to the order of events:

More guess work from evolution scientists who want God out of the picture. Will they ever learn that they can't always get what they want?

[media=https://youtu.be/n-wAypUwvTc] This video has apo0logetics to think about. Be praying for you.
What a super article! New hypothesis to attempt to answer “two cosmological mysteries", is right. It's strictly theory against the real truth of God's Word, and it shall never outdo the Bible nor catch up to the genius of God. It's outright pathetic that mankind thinks he could ever be smarter than God.
@BritishFailedAesthetic Catholics condone petitioning Mary, and that is what their Bible teaches but that is contrary to God's Word. She is not to be called on, worshiped, nor prayed to. That is in God's Word. The Bible's definition of a saint, is in fact, any and all in the world, who are born again and have committed their hearts and lives to Jesus, inviting Him into their hearts and lives as the Lord and Saviour. We are not to pray to to anyone but Jesus.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
What a super article! New hypothesis to attempt to answer “two cosmological mysteries", is right. It's strictly theory against the real truth of God's Word, and it shall never outdo the Bible nor catch up to the genius of God. It's outright pathetic that mankind thinks he could ever be smarter than God.

Amen, sister, amen!!
@SW-User You can't claim to know God, if you don't follow his word or ignore Him and His gospel. It was Jesus that said if you listen or folllow any other gospel, you will be accursed. Jesus said to follow him and him alone. You're mixed up. I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and I never will be. You can't make up your own rules, when it comes to Salvation. Jesus said the only way to heaven is through him and him alone. If you doubt Him and His Word, He said you can't expect to go to heaven. God the Father did not give mankind permission to change His plan of salvation. You can try it, but you're not convincing and God said that won't work. Who are you to overstep or try to change God's Plan of Salvation? You are certainly not smarter nor wiser than He. Jesus said no man can come to the Father, but by Him. When you don't believe that, you're not calling me a liar, you're calling Jesus a liar and that's serious, because you'll have to answer to him for that.
There is no such thing as an "evolutionist," My little imbecile. That is an invented term coined by creationists.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I do have knowledge of god.

If you do, Doc, I haven't seen it yet.
DocSavage · M
You’re assuming that I have to believe in him to have knowledge of him.
@GodSpeed63 assumes a good deal of things which are not true.

newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
The average evolutionist will immediately reply with “a big bang.”

Evolution has no interest in the origin of the universe, just as it has no interest in abiogenesis on this planet.

evolutionary ideas change frequently

Of course the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection changes... it's completely evidence-based. As new evidence is added the Theory itself is improved and further developed. That's simply how science works... surely you understand that. It's a large part of why science is so powerful and successful.

The Big Bang wasn't the beginning of the universe. It was the beginning of the expansion of the universe.... an expansion that brought spacetime into play.
@GodSpeed63 Well, then I guess I have nothing to worry about if I will be "saved" eventually.

We can assume that God wants everyone to be saved. If God doesn't want everyone to be saved, that would make him a demon.

We can also assume that God gets what he wants, otherwise, the people denying him would be more powerful than he is.

Therefore, everyone is eventually saved, even souls in hell. Otherwise, Satan would be more powerful than God.

Read Love Wins by Pastor Rob Bell where he provides scriptural basis for these claims.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@DocSavage @LeopoldBloom @newjaninev2
We can assume that God wants everyone to be saved

Yes, He wants everybody to saved but at our choice. He will not force us into heaven, we must enter heaven by our decision to receive Christ as our Savior and Lord.
DocSavage · M
Some choice.
Doesn’t matter, I know a guy works the gate on Thursdays, he’ll let us in for a sawbuck
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Before i say it i know they try to explain.
But ive never seen a big bang/explosion put out round objects actully not even one.
Now for everyone that wants to call me a dumbass for saying it, blow something up and prove me wrong.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Virgo79 You're not wrong. The Big Bang is just a theory.
@GodSpeed63 says
How did the universe begin? The average evolutionist will ...

The average evolutionist will tell you that you are conflating two very different questions.

The average evolutionist will tell you that there are theories for the origin of the universe and that they have NOTHING to do with Darwin or natural selection.

The average evolutionist might even tell you that by immediately diverting away from evolution, you are ducking all the difficult questions about the geological age of the Earth and the many thousands of findings in the fossil record that are problematic for the biblical explanation.
jehova · 31-35, M
Science itself has many internal contradictions as it attempts to prove itself wrong in order to solidify itself as valid. Therefore might religoon do the same? If it were two initial events to create each half of reality as we are able to record and observe it. is perfectly reasonable. I am not religious more skeptical but if it opened the door to fuether conversation research and investigation. Im absolutely willing and interested. To science!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Therefore might religoon do the same? If it were two initial events to create each half of reality as we are able to record and observe it. is perfectly reasonable.

I'm not religious either. It's never been about religion and never will be about religion. It's a bout a close relationship with God in Heaven through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit.
jehova · 31-35, M
@GodSpeed63 i respect that for me it doesnt involve 'christ'
As you have demonstrated that you are thoroughly ignorant of the simple fact that one cannot prove a negative, I declare all of your imbecilic arguments defeated.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman @CorvusBlackthorne
I simply dont have to. I dont believe.

Even though you have that right to believe or disbelieve what you wish, you neglect the other side of the coin which states that we must believe in the Truth of God rather than the lies of men. Since you neglect that side of the coin, like the rest of us, you don't put much value on what you believe or disbelieve. Makes me wonder how much value do you put on other aspects of your life.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Man are you gettting desperate or what??????😷
You don't put much value on what you believe or disbelieve then.
I place value on that which has been proven, unlike you.
my first thought was that Christians who compromise God’s Word with the big bang

Don't start.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
you're so sweet. Thank you honey.

Anytime, sister, anytime.
Sorry, big guy, my mistake

Im 5'11 would that be big to you guys 🤪
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Im 5'11 would that be big to you guys 🤪

You're 3 inches taller than me. I guess you qualify as being a big guy. 😄
That there is indeed "something" rather than nothing is indisputable.

I would never restrict that "something" to the conclusions and definitions and beliefs and theologies of the Protestant Reform Fundamentalist tradition - which is virtually a modernism born of time and space.

But thanks for your efforts. If it brings you comfort to rest in such a theology, go for it. But please stop trying to equate it with the Living Word.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
That there is indeed "something" rather than nothing is indisputable.

What's with you? LadyGrace is a True Believer in Christ as I am. We go by what God's Word says through His Spirit of Truth that dwells within us. I don't know what you believe but I do know that her beliefs are on the level.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I think calling it Dark Matter is racist.😷
charles Darwin farted..
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
Charles Darwin was a catholic/ Christian so there’s that
@Monalisaa1986 Darwin was an atheist with regard to the Christian God.
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
@LadyGrace no I’ve watched his documentary he was from a catholic/ Christian religion
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
@LadyGrace His Autobiography contains a short discussion of his religious views, presented as a gradual migration from Anglican Christianity to agnosticism. But this was written toward the end of his life, and intended for the highly select audience of his family and immediate social circle (see Barlow ed.
MethDozer · M
Evolution and biology speak nothing about cosmology.

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