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I hope everyone of you Israel haters block me … do it .. please do it and save me the trouble!

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brokensignal · 46-50, M
I believe it is nuanced. Israel has long been hated and despised and antisemites are seizing this opportunity to push their hateful agenda. Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself against horrific terrorism in the region. That being said , Netanyahu needs to go. Many in Israel feel the same way. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is real and the scope of it is equally horrific to the terrorism of Hamas. Women and children and civilians have needlessly died. Innocent people trapped in the crossfire. As we learned on 9/11 you cannot fight terrorism with conventional tactics of war. Netanyahu has seized this opportunity to obliterate everyone in sight and grossly mishandled the entire situation. Yes there are casualties of war, but there is also such a thing as a proportionate response. The amount of civilian suffering is a completely disproportionate response bordering on genocide. But if you point that out to some people they think you’re hating Israel. Thinking Netanyahu is practicing poor leadership is not hating Israel just like disliking Trump or Biden isn’t hating America. 🤷‍♂️
@brokensignal oh Really?

I don’t share your opinion. 😏

Hamas holds Israeli lives captive as you speak and seemingly pass judgement on Israel.

Hamas has VOWED to do MANY Oct. 7ths over and over again.

No, not for a minute is he trying to kill everyone in sight. He could have done that the first day!

But ..he is trying to clean out Hamas. And he wants his Israeli people back! And they WANT to live in peace! Hamas wants them DEAD. What part of that do you not get?!?!?!

I wonder do you have children?!?!?! Cause if someone did that to your children like they have done to Israel’s children, I personally think you’d change your tune really quick!

You are entitled to want who you want as a leader for Israel… as for me, I’d definitely want Bibi or someone one like Golda to have my back if I were Israeli.

It takes strength, real strength to combat evil! Not weak people but strength!

Many and I dare say most in Gaza rejoice and celebrate all the evil deeds of Hamas even in the streets … too late, I’ve seen it just like I saw this evil people dance in the street and burn our USA flag on 9-11. You can’t put evil down til you have real courage. Fight on Bibi!

I’m sorry. I’m not your enemy but I call it just like I see it.
@brokensignal And I don’t necessarily think you are hating on Israel BUT I still can’t agree with your entire view on this.

Fact is when you start a war, best to be prepared for the consequences.
Innocent civilians die in wars. FACT!
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Puppycat23 · F
People who call everything Hamas did to Israelis as “resistance” are the worst ones
@Puppycat23 Yeah, it was barbaric and to be Frank, I think demonic.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
Reading this post and your comments remind me there is still dignity to humanity. Thank you
@Mmiker God tells us what is good and what is evil and we will know good and evil by their deeds!!!!!!
Mmiker · 46-50, M
@NoGamesTolerated I don’t follow the book. But I understand you follow the God of Israel. You have your guide set. I appreciate that.
@Mmiker And I follow his commandments and stand with him in his judgements and his righteousness! I follow his word to the best of my ability and WHEN I miserably fall short, I get it right with him cause we will all come into judgement… Christians before the judgement seat of Christ and sinners before the Great White Throne. Nations will be judged by how they deal with Israel. Oh YES! 🙂 I speak the truth of the God of Israel… and his son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
@wildbill83 I understood your meme. Would like to just kick that can down the road. But that’s exactly going to be the end game!
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@NoGamesTolerated I always liked this line from Travola in the movie Swordfish...

@wildbill83 In this evil day, I kinda like it! ✅

You can’t patty cake with evil!
Neman1622 · 41-45, M
No one in Gaza is innocent.
Not one.
@Neman1622 because you say it is? We have no more to discuss IF you don’t think babies are innocent on any continent of this world…

Having said that…. innocents die in war… and that’s just a sad fact. But to call babies guilty is NOT biblical or Christian!

Sorry I think for myself and we will just have to agree to disagree!
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Don’t start with me! You don’t know me. I know my Bible very well.

I know when the Canaanites were in the land God told Israel to kill everyone and not even leave the animals alive!!! Yes, I do.

What you think of me means little to me!

You don’t follow a conversation very well but since you can’t and since you want to insult, you are going in chapter 13 blocked bin !!

And you still apparently don’t know what “the age of accountability is! Now be gone from me cause I don’t have time for this foolishness!

I stand WITH and FOR ISRAEL and if everyone and everything there is killed to take out Hamas, it’s on their own heads for starting a war.

Now take your nonsense to someone you can fool. I don’t think God has told Bibi to take out every living person in Gaza but I do believe it is God’s will to win this war!

Have a great day just not trying to bicker with me. Now bye!
A lot of anti semites on here no doubt.
@YourMomsSecretCrush Yes, and I think it’s a shame! No difference in them from Naxi Germany. 😢
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