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Realistically, how will humanity end?

Don’t know about that … I just believe that we’re getting there …. Soon 😞
@thewindupbirdchronicles The revolution has already happened in me. Regardless of belief of how we came to be here - by whatever means - and whatever purpose we have, if any, there is some kind of system. Both in theism and atheism, people are informed by their inner being, be it something called "God" or conscience. People know instinctively what's right and wrong. Personally, I choose to believe there's a higher power - a Source behind all workings in the universe. My internal guidance is my link life. My alignment with this Source is the best and only course of action for experiencing my worth and joy, inherent in my existence. Let any external revolution come. I'm eternally safe within my Source.
@PhoenixPhail I could give more words, but it's a spiritual journey in love. I mean in the broader context, there is a Source behind what every one desires and longs for. It's just the name given for who gives this source that varies. I prefer to not name.
@thewindupbirdchronicles I would prefer to not name it, too. But in this physical reality, I have to apply a word or a sound to represent the concept.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Revelation says the seas and rivers will be blood.
Same way it all began 💁‍♂️

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We can only speculate. I personally don't care or put thought into it anymore. Humans are wild but we're so tiny in the grand scheme of it all, there's a lot of possibilities.
Northerner · 70-79, M
Not sure how it will end, I am just glad I am no younger and hopefully will not be around to see it happen.🤬
@Northerner That's me, too.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I'd like to think it would be via a natural form of evolution.
However given mans predilection for causing catastrophes that often end up wiping out other species....i often think we're likely to be the cause of our own demise.
A billion years from now a cataclysmic even will deplete the earth of oxygen, wiping out humanity is all I know
@mindlessdrifter A billion years from now??? 😱

Oh. Wait. I thought you said a million. Whew. 😮‍💨 😌
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Depends on what you mean by humanity.

Likely, humanity will eventually split into different species — that is, coming from the same root but be incapable of interbreeding. Although both species will coexist for a long time, eventually, the species best suited for the environment will out compete the other(s). Will this surviving species that is descended from us still be "human?" Hard to say.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
physcial antropology as a science probably has some insight. We like other species of humans before us, like cro-maga man and neanderthals, wiill evolve out of existence partially by genetic drift and partially other future species of man with enough genetic differences to be given a new name (we are homo sapiens sapiens). some links below on human evolution
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
Climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources.
fun4us2b · M
Likely by humanity's own undoing
CestManan · 46-50, F
Probably nothing we can imagine.
All these predictions of war or religious stuff or famine etc,

It will not be any time soon and nothing we could control anyways.

Probably slowly die off instead of some instantaneous event.
The current ecocide and NATO come to mind. Obviously nothing anyone here would suggest we try to "do" about either. They're good children of empire.
Aging populations and no hope for the future. Boooooooom! So it went.
eventtemple123 · 22-25, M
Right now, it looks like we're going to forget how to connect with one another and eventually people will stop reproducing because there are no more romantic relationships.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
who knows, could be war, the way things are going now, but we here think that jesus will return before that happens to save all those who want to be saved.
Humanity ended a long time ago. How humankind will end is anyone's guess, but it's looking like it will happen within a few generations.
Consumed in fervent heat. The earth destroyed. It's already foretold in the bible KJV.
Doesnt really matter cause we wont be alive to find out
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@sw-question] so many choices all at the hand of mankinds own doing sadly
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Eventually we'll evolve into another species
exchrist · 31-35
Volcanic explosion iñ about 30000 years
Lostpoet · M
Not with a bang, but with a wimper. Or Donald Trump.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I want it to end now!
@FreestyleArt you have NATO and the richest countries on your side.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Probably with a wimper ...
Iwillwait · M
eyeno · M
It's on its way out now
Not sure if it will be natural evolution or self-destruction, but it will surely be long after everyone alive now is gone.
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Musicman · 61-69, M
@basilfawlty89 I completely agree with you. ☹️

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