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Who needs help the most right now?

The poor? The rich? The sinners? The saints? The sick? The healthy? The free? The prisoners? The straight? LGBTQ? The church? The anti-Christ? The children? The adults? The educated? The illiterate? The weak? The strong?

I wonder...who needs help the most right now.

But even greater is the need to ask...what am I here for? Who am I supposed to help, and how?

I read something in Quora that fascinates me. A guy named Ron offered advice to someone.

He said something like...

The youth of these days focus on relationships - friendship, romance, family, etc.
But the old ones know to focus on what they can give to others. On what they can impart into the world.

And I paused. It makes sense, don't you think?

I wonder.

I wonder.
BlueVeins · 22-25
The rich. They're not doing well, we must liberate them of all that corrupting money.
The sinners. That would be all of us. We all need help in different ways, even the rich. Even though it doesn’t seem that way sometimes. (You could have every material comfort in the world, and in the end it doesn’t matter. What is it in the end? All that we have are our souls)

I suppose it makes sense, that difference between youth focus and older generations’ focus. But I think young people try to help the world the best ways they know how.
PleasurePunch · 100+
Save the planet. She's in trouble from forces that only exploit her to get private stuff done without considering the WHOLE....

by the way old people are just as silly and clueless as kids. Don't fool yourself. They are a little scared about the future, death and all that.

But they are otherwise JUST THE SAME. They dont "focus on what they give to others" That is the corporate slogan of your community "senior" center and privatized medicare too...

Dont be fooled.

SAVE THE PLANET EARTH. Its our only real home. Sci fi is fiction thus UNREAL.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
It makes sense being that the children will be the future leaders or caretakers of the world.
We should do our part within our own families and help out where else we can
PleasurePunch · 100+
help the animals on factory farms.

thats what I think
PinkRose23 · 22-25, F
Makes sense to me.
Adstar · 56-60, M
The Lost..
I don’t think it can be broken down by groups like that. There are individuals in every single demographic who could probably use some kind of help. And others who don’t; who have their own plan.

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