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If you broke one law, let's say a parking law and you got a fine for it, does that make you an illegal individual?

Why do people call illegal immigrants "illegals"? like their entire being is completely illegal just because they broke one law, usually for survival

I'm genuinely willing to listen and discuss this politely if you wouldn't be just plain racist and arrogant
You got this from Shakespeare? What play is this? Hamlet?

Oh, ponderous question, thou dost weigh upon my soul,
As I contemplate the nature of legality's role.
If one transgression marks a soul as wholly banned,
Then are we all but outlaws in this mortal land?

A parking fine, a minor fault, a fleeting misstep,
Does it render one an outlaw, an eternal debt?
Nay, for in the tapestry of human deeds,
A single thread cannot define our seeds.

And yet, why do we label those who cross the line,
With terms that cast their very essence as malign?
"Illegals" they are called, as if their very breath,
Is tainted by the shadow of a single act, of death.

But pause, my heart, ere thou dost cast the stone,
For in the crucible of life, we're rarely alone.
Survival drives the desperate to deeds untold,
And in their plight, compassion's hand should hold.

Let us not judge with arrogance or scorn,
But seek to understand the trials they have borne.
For in the journey of humanity, we all must tread,
With empathy and kindness, let our path be led.
Human Rights probably exist because everyone can feel pain and everyone needs to be included in society. The segregation team is denislist. We're supposed to beat them. We don't even try. We need to open the borders.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
makes you an illegal parker, there's a penalty for that. crossing a border illegally doesn't make the whole person illegal just the part that crossed the border. there are penalties for that action as well. I myself once illegally crossed the double yellow line, (shhh...)!
@GerOttman I never heard the tarm illegal parker though. It's just a normal person who's facing a parking penalty
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@Reserved I can infer you do not live in a large city. Illegal parkers are a big deal in dense urban areas.
It is based on a certain amount of racism.

The point that the descendants of the people who killed off the original indigenous people here when they arrived, uninvited, are making, is this:

People coming here without documentation are not following the laws those European settlers established after they stole this land.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Because they didn’t enter the country legally. How is it so complicated
@Jenny1234 Yeah that means their stay is illegal, but not the whole person. They can still be very harmless people who don't break any "other" law and are just trying to find a new home
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
I don't know, it's just an expression.
Lilnonames · F
There illegal because there not u s citizens
Lilnonames · F
@Reserved I didn't say it you did I'm saying truth never say they not matter
@Lilnonames I didn't say it neither, I'm just asking for elaboration because it sounded like you implied it. Because if they matter then calling them illegals doesn't sound cool
Lilnonames · F
@Reserved well when I get a ticket I'm called illegal cause of no drivers license it's true

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