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Do you want to donate to Gaza or to Israel? Cause both of them need help right now.

Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I donated to the Red Crescent foundation here. They raise funds for Gaza aid.
Neither ever donated anything to me.
No. I don’t trust that donations will actually help.
Aid workers in the Gaza Strip. Though through my taxes, my government sells arms to Isreal to commit the genicide.
.So I suppose I give reluctantly to both sides.
Morvoren · F
Neither. They got themselves into this mess. They can get themselves out.
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I have donated to some families trying to get out of Gaza.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@iamonfire696 You're gorgeous.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Matt85 it’s so sad what is happening to these people 😢.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
no. both of those places have way more money than me. Gaza misappropriated more donated💰 in a day than I earned in a lifetime. They should give me money.
tenente · 100+, M
i have a healthy skepticism towards charities and only give money to community organizations who I know and trust
Musicman · 61-69, M
No I don't.
The only way to truly help Gaza is to wipe out hamas, and I think Israel is doing a fine job doing so.
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@JaggedLittlePill It’s not genocide.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people based on their nationality, ethnicity, religion, or race. It is an internationally recognized crime, and acts that fall under this definition include:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

I have seen daily calls for all Palestenians to die and many saying they do not deserve to live. Killing women and children and men who have nothing to do with Hamas. Bombing every inch of the place they live. Bombing food workers who are attempting to provide aide and starving them is certainly a path to genocide. Stop shoving your head up your rear end and acting as if you are the smartest guy in the room.

Here we have Israeli citizens blocking the aide meant for Gaza

The government has help with the genocide from their citizens. They dont even need soldiers to prevent starving people from eating!

I am not sure why Israeli people want to starve Palestenians. Maybe because they decided all Palestenians are Hamas? Kind of like how Americans decided all muslim people are bad and responsible for 9/11.....yea? Yea....
@JaggedLittlePill Actually, it has a specific definition coined by Rafael Lemkin, who invented the word. It includes taking deliberate steps to prevent births, and removing children for reeducation. Israel is doing neither of these.

If you take the elements of genocide individually and claim that any one of them is enough, then misgendering trans people would be genocide. So would every war.

A higher percentage of German civilians were killed by Allied bombing in WWII than the percentage of Gazans killed in the current war. Did the Allies carry out a genocide against Germans?
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@allygator18 At what personal cost to you, hmmm?
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