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I Don't Care What Race You Are,i Accept You Anyway

Sometime I text people on here and I tell them am Jamaican I get blocked instantly is it because of my color?.....or is because of my country?🤔
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
I'd say it's most likely because ;

1. Most people won't give two hoots where you're from

2. Most people reserve their inboxes for people they've met in public and decided they have enough in common to warrant private chats with

3. If the first thing you tell a stranger is your nationality they may well decide it's you who has race issues that they simply don't need to discuss

I don't mean to be harsh but that's how I see it.
Fernie · F
@ThePerfectUsername Well said!
Because you Jamaican them crazy
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@SW-User no🙄
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Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@SW-User well it's not nice feeling like a outcast at times 😓this site was made for us to help each other out with our problems but at least that's how I look at it
Success · 26-30, F
What Jamaican? Is that Goat's head soup?
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@Success 😂😂 what
Success · 26-30, F
@Vancore6 Whatcha makin? What Jamaican?
Jamaican me crazy? @Success
Fernie · F
You must understand that many, many people don't like that intrusiveness...I know I don't ...make friends/acquaintances FIRST. I would think you were a creepy troll if you sent all that personal info to me...a stranger
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@Fernie they asked which country I was from so yeah
Fernie · F
@Vancore6 🙄...this is what you said in your post and what we responded to."Sometime I text people on here and I tell them am Jamaican I get blocked instantly" You can;t keep adding details to it after we respond to your original says basically that you just message strangers with your personal really aren't ready for this place. Try Yahoo answers
I tend to like messages from people I have had interaction with on the forum first.Where they come from is irrelevant.And while the forum may be largely American there are people from all over the world.
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
I always tell people you can't base everybody's actions off of one person's mistake
maybe its something else
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@Dewms like
@Vancore6 idk but there must be other factors
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@Dewms okay
Mostly likely for your country. I guess some just want to talk to people from the US.
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acpguy · C
must be the country I really never minded purple people.
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
Yeah it's absolutely weird at times
Some people have said they don’t like being private messaged unless you’ve already made contact, like commenting on their questions or stories.
@Vancore6 I’m not, just stating what I know to be so.
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
Fernie · F
@Vancore6 She does not seem at all irritated...she's just stating facts. Kiddo, you might be a bit too sensitive to be on a site like this. You clearly don't know how to behave, because she uppercased a word you read irritation. You are going to get seriously hurt and disappointed here if you are looking for the wrong things...and I do believe you are
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I think if you say "Hi, I'm Jamaican", I think it might remind people of spam emails and the like. Even if I message someone from another country, I don't say that I'm American right away. There's a certain amount of xenophobia here.
Vancore6 · 22-25, M
@uncalled4 I say hi they say hi back some ask which country I say Jamaica
BLOCKED😂 instantly they don't even hesitate
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Vancore6 Well, THAT is stupid.

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