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Join SimilarWorlds for FREE » honest...were you a bully in school?

...and do you think you would get your arse kicked today (you probably would) by your "victims" or are you still a jerk?
itsok · 31-35, F
I’d like to say absolutely not, but for a couple years of high school I had such an extreme sarcasm problem that I would straight up say mean things to people that were annoying me and they would laugh because they thought I was joking.
No, was bullied though
@Bexsy not here friend 🤗
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
I wouldn't say I was a bully, but I definitely said and did things I regret and that weren't very nice at times. I believe that is unfortunately a common part of being young and not fully grasping the effects your words and actions can have on others, and not really thinking before you say/do things.

I can proudly say that I've grown a lot since then and am much more careful about what I say and do than in my youth.

I was bullied in school, and the thing I hope most for my bullies is that they've grown and changed, regret their actions, and choose to do better going forward. I can respect someone that has made an honest effort to change and truly regrets the bad things they've said/done.

As for the ones who haven't changed/won't, I am simply glad I'm not forced to be around them on a daily basis anymore and can choose to never see nor speak to them again if I don't want to.
I never bullied anyone because I didn't have the heart for it. Yet, I had my share of it as a child and into high school but since then I gained weight and grew taller, now they no longer mess with me 😊🙂
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
I was the one bullied for different reasons and sadly as i got older not much has changed except new reasons to do it 😒
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@beermeplease] 😲no sadly in my case it was rather the opposite i was the victim of bullying
@nedkelly be nice 🙂
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@beermeplease Smiler is a decent person, Nimby and myself just enjoy some banter with Smiler
smiler2012 · 56-60
@nedkelly 😲thats rich ned you berating me as an aussie lol and a manchester united fan 😆
craig7 · 70-79, M
No - but as a young kid,I would sometimes lash out at anyone who persistently and deliberately hassled me.They stayed away from me after that.
calicuz · 51-55, M
No, I wasn't a bully, at least I hope I wasn't.
No but I could mad once in awhile.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I was bullied.
@Degbeme but you turned up a stand out gent...peace brother 😳
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@beermeplease ✌️
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I avoided all people and conflicts and usually just chilled with my head down
I don’t like much about myself but I can confidently say I was not a bully
I doubt there are any bullies from today that could take on a bully from 20 years ago. Today it seems like we have crybullies.
I was not a bully. I was the bullied. That theme continues
Allelse · 36-40, M
No, I sometimes wonder if I'd have been happier if I was.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
No. I stuck up for the kids getting picked on
I was bullied. And I would never do that to someone else, but later when I could stop others from being bullied, I did.
I bullied one person in my life and regretted it afterwards. It was in college and only did it to make myself feel better after being made homeless. 🤷‍♀️
Musicman · 61-69, M
No I was not. That just isn't me.
I was bullied because I was a husky runt, but come dodgeball on rainy days in gym class, they became my victims, I used my short size and weight to my advantage. THWACK
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@Lilnonames In sixth grade sometime in 1982 I had a classmate in the locker room before gym class tell me he was glad my Dad had died, it took three other kids and the gym teacher to pull me off of him, I left his face bloodied and bruised, the principal suspended him and let me off.

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